Here you can review in the list of the new features and fixes for every new version.
You can download the latest version of APT from here.
2024/04/13 - v.4.50 Stability and new features
- Critical update to handle crashes caused by Windows 10 update KB5035941
- General stability improvements
- Rotator section is converted to panel accessible via button in Gear Tab
- AutoStar section is converted to panel accessible via button in Gear Tab
- Tools tab is re-arranged
- Added 25 new sound notifications (including for failed plate solving)
- Added setting in the USB Monitor to disable only the new sounds related to USB device connection/disconnection
- Added "Add Trigger" in Object Browser DeepSky/Custom/ToDo tabs to help with trigger creation in Session Craft for the selected object populating name, coordinates, start time and etc.
- Added "DB Search" in Object Browser DeepSky/Custom/ToDo tabs to look for records for the selected object. Simple click makes a more loose search, Shift+Click makes a strict search
- Added "In AstroBin" in Object Browser DeepSky/Custom/ToDo tabs, opens AstroBin in the default web browser and search for the selected object. Simple click makes a more loose search, Shift+Click makes a strict search
- Added "In Telescopius" in Object Browser DeepSky/Custom/ToDo tabs opens Telescopius in the default web browser and search for the selected object.
- Added "In Telescopius" in Object Browser DeepSky/Custom/ToDo tabs, Shift+Click navigates the Telescopius mosaic tool loading the coordinates of the selected object
- Added Shift+Click on "Add To ToDo" In Object Browser DeepSky tab will copy the selected object in Custom tab
- Added remembering the window position of Auto Focus Aid between the sessions
- Added Canon SDK 13.17.12
- Added support for EOS R100
- Added QHY 24.03.29
- Added ZWO SDK 1.34
- Added ToupTek, RasingCam, MalinCam, StarShoot, OGMA, Omegon SDK 20240404
- Added Altair Astro SDK 20240325
- Added New TemberHum DLL (thanks to Pablo Gazmuri)
- Added possibility for negative gain values (some ZWO models (like ASI2600) could get benefit of it)
- Fixed rare discrepancy in the filenames when R+L is used with some Canon EOS models
- Fixed the problem with QHY FilterWheelRS232 driver
- Fixed camera names to be for better when same model ZWO cameras are used
- Fixed DewPoint v1 device support
- Minor fixes here and there...
2024/02/03 - v.4.42 Critical update Clip
- Fixed APT cashing when using Object Browser and Check Lists after of the latest Windows 10 updates (unknown KB number)
- Added Scope Position (East/West) option for Naming option in order find the files which need to be re-oriented for better performance of PixInsight FastIntegration tool
- Added Ctrl+Click on Pause button (DSLR or CCD/CMOS) . Stops the execution of the current exposure, puts the plan on Pause. One resume will restart the canceled exposure.
- Added better handling for power outage logging
- Added applying auto white balance for SBony cameras for easier processing
- Added more general stability improvements
- Fixed in SessionCraft the problem with Near and Blind options saving
- Fixed in SessionCraft the problem with not starting the plan on altitude below and restarting the repeated plan
- Fixed in SessionCraft giving error message in the last day of the month in some situations
2024/01/23 - v.4.41 Small update Clip
- Added code to keep the computer running no matter the power settings
- Added computer power state changes detection and logging
- Added Ctrl+Click on Park button to go to Home Position
- Added general stability improvements
- Removed extra underscore in the filenames before the EXIF/CCD value
- Fixed Info not showing the window when the Img tab is a floating window
- Fixed in SessionCraft the problem not starting the plan with right binning and filter in rare cases
- Fixed in SessionCraft the problem with message "This tag name already exists! " in some cases
- Fixed in SessionCraft on edit/added condition on Time. The last 3 check boxes was pre-selected in some cases
- Fixed a problem with resuming plan when the user stops the goto++ or refocus command
- Fixed a problem with repeating a plan from SessionCraft condition when it stops an other plan
- Fixed a collision between starting SessionCraft trigger and refocusing in progress
- Fixed the times order in SessionCraft not correct in rare cases
- Fixed APT crash on Web Camera settings change when a slower external camera is used
- Fixed MIT - Max Imaging Time calculation for small number of objects which set and then rise after the night end and before midday
- Fixed ITL - (Imaging Time Left) calculation for small number of objects which set and then rise after the night end and before midday
2023/12/24 - v.4.40 Powerful sequencing, imaging planning, PlayerOne support and more. Clip
- Added Tags (trigger names) in SessionControl giving option to create a sequence of triggers
- Added the possibility to see the exact times for DSD, AN and N when defining a trigger in SessionControl
- Added smart sorting if the triggers grid by execution time and order in SessionControl (taking in account the After Tags)
- Added Expanding/Collapsing options for sections in SessionCraft
- Added possibility PointCraft to work with ROI without changing the sensor size
- Added Object Browser to show the number of the filtered objects in the window title
- Added additional handling to avoid problems when Object Browser is used when imaging plan is running
- Added auto equipment connecting in PHD2 when APT makes connection to PHD2
- Added a problems prevention logic - no sync will be made if the declination is bigger than 85 or lower than -85
- Added QHY 23.10.11
- Added ZWO SDK 1.32
- Added ToupTek, Altair Astro, RasingCam, MalinCam, StarShoot, OGMA, Omegon SDK 20231121
- Added SVBony SDK 1.12.1
- Added in DB Browser a Minimize / Restore button - to be able see the image and to get back to your current search result without closing the window
- Added in DB Browser possibility to search for dates using condition like - searching for 2023-02-% will show all images taken in February 2023, or %-05-% for all images taken in May no matter the year
- Added "Delete all" plans by type option per every type in Plan Editor (
CCD/CMOS modes)
- Added option to control the Framing Masks marks in the Settings. Accepts color as 6-characters color code like FF00FF
- Added stability improvements
- Changed the QHY USB speed handling to use empirically found better setting
- Changed mount unparking now is not enabling the tracking
- Changed Export Time To Mount - it is now possible to export only time without coordinates. Useful for iOptron mounts with GPS which doesn't get the time from the satellites... doesn't work with EQMOD :(
- Changed Plan Editor (
CCD/CMOS modes)
to be big enough to show the script commands
- Fixed a problem with SQM-LE not receiving the readings from the device in some cases
- Fixed a problem with status on SessionCraft (negatives number)
- Fixed indexing the images in DB Browser when the file name is not in UTF8
- Fixed correct editing a "resume if passed" check box on "wait till time" commands
- Fixed the case with the showing PointCraft when the main window is maximized
- Fixed DataCraft during transfer problem when an image is deleted outside APT
- Fixed FocusCraft hanging in rare cases on Nikon images
- Fixed the bug with using DB Browser when it is not enabled from settings
- Fixed #GoTo++ command when object name with space is used
- Fixed correct editing a "resume if passed" check box on "wait till time" commands
- Fixed a bug in Stellarium integration no allowing to select #0 Scope or Camera
- Fixed the bug for DSLRs when editing Focus/Framing plans during plan execution
- Fixed CCD Flats Aid generating plans that can give false "changed" warnings during edit
2023/08/25 - v.4.30 New way to find and navigate your images and more sequencing options
- Added possibility to edit plans during plan execution. The current plan can't be altered
- Added Ctr+A to select the text for all edit boxes
- Added automatic window resizing on resolution change useful when imaging PC and the remote desktop are with different resolution
- Changed the code for Exposure Canceling for ToupTek based cameras
- Added QHY SDK 23.05.09
- Added SVBony SDK 1.11.3
- Added ZWO SDK 1.30
- Added Altair Astro SDK 20230723
- Added Omegon SDK 20230723
- Added RaisingCam SDK 20230723
- Added OGMA SDK 20230723
- Added StarShootG SDK 20230723
- Added MalinCam SDK 20230723
- Fixed PS3 slow solving for DSLR images
- Fixed Completely Blind (Shift+Click) to work with empty Focal length (works for ASTAP and PS3)
- Fixed possibility to set 60% USB speed for ToupTek based cameras
- Fixed for Canon/Nikon rare case when R+L is used the JPG and RAW to have different names because of different time
- Fixed rare cases when RAW and JPG files are not grouped in one Thumbnail in Img Tab
- Fixed are cases when APT could crash on image browsing, thumbnail creation and in other cases
- Fixed PAPS causing APT crash in some situations
- Fixed INDIGO image problem when Player-One camera is used
- Fixed SessionCraft grid to show non-Latin letters plan names
- Fixed PS3 to run in background (still flashes for a moment). Many thanks to Chirs Gifford for the solution!
- Fixed USB speed for QHY Cameras (not all models support USB Speed)
- Fixed PointCraft can't use ASPS as near solver
- Fixed a bug in GoTo++ when the object is very close to RA 00:00:00
- Fixed error when ROI is used with some ToupTek based models
- Fixed smaller bugs here and there
- Fixes for improving the general stability
2023/04/03 - v.4.20 PlateSolve3, New cameras and more!
- Added support for second focuser control in Gear Tab (buttons 1 and 2 to switch active focuser)
- Added Support for EOS R6 MkII, R8, R50
- Added feature Ctrl+Click on Connect buttons to forget the selected drivers
- Added Shift+Click on Rotator GoTo button to sync to the entered angle
- Added moving the all pop-up windows with the Ctrl+Arrows (slow) and Ctrl+Shift+Arrows (faster)
- Added RA/DEC keywords FITS files to make PI and WBPP happy
- Added automatic conversion of negative FOV angles to positive on import from Planetarium
- Added AltAz parameter for #GoTo++ command
- Added Canon SDK 13.16.10
- Added ZWO SDK 1.28
- Added ToupTek 2023.03.19
- Added SVBonySDK 1.11.1
- Added QHY SDK 2023.02.28
- Added MallinCam SDK 2023.02.23
- Added RaisingCam SDK 2023.03.14
- Added Altair Astro SDK 2022.12.08
- Added Explore Scientific SDK 2022.04.17
- Added Ogmacam SDK 2023.02.07
- Added Omegon Pro SDK 2023.01.15
- Added Orion StarShoot G SDK 2021.11.27
- Added some general stability improvements
- Updated PAPS calculation library by Rumen Bogdanovski
bettering the calculations in some cases
- Fixed ASTAP Angle calculation which was affecting the GoTo++
- Fixed SessionCraft rare case when time trigger and refocusing were mixing their execution.
- Fixed SessionCraft temperature refocusing trigger to work when F is used
- Fixed few glitches when MGen3 is used
- Fixed crash when Stellarium is stopped and APT tires to send data
- Fixed negative FOV angle import from Stellarium
- Fixed the problem Plan Editor which reports unsaved changes in Flat and Bias plans
- Fixed flats taking with Altair Astro and ToupTek when Higher CCD Compatibility is used.
- Fixed Temperature value is not stopping to blink after refocusing
- Fixed ToupTek bit scaling logic
- Fixed Auto Focusing not resetting the focus mark for refocusing notification
- Fixed cooling problem with ToupTek 2600 models
- Fixed #RotatorGoTo command hanging when there is in connection to mount
2022/12/10 - v.4.10 DataCraft, MGEN3, WebCameras, SVBony and many more!
- Added DataCraft - tool to help transferring the images
- Added MGen3 support - guide control, dithering, AMF
- APT is migrated to the latest development platform
- Added logic for problem detection and automatic restoring from the last settings restore
- Added Support for EOS R7 / EOS R10 / EOS R3
- Added Altair Astro SDK 20221121
- Added ZWO SDK 1.27
- Added ToupTek/Omegon/ES SDK 2022-11-21
- Added QHY 22.10.14
- Added Gain value stored in file names will contain HGC when the HGC checkbox is checked for Altair, ToupTek and QHY cameras (via native driver)
- Added special handling - AMF will stop if the camera doesn't provide image for 30s
- Added GNS alerts - Guiding is lost (after 10th image without star in row), Image fails to download, Auto-focus failure
- Added feature for not generating thumbnails for calibration frames to speed the plans execution
- Changed the style for better visibility of pop up windows opened from a popup.
- Fixed GoTo++ giving extremely big error in pixels when the target is near the zero celestial meridian
- Fixed Wrong direction move on final auto focus step when reverse moves setting is enabled.
- Fixed Rare possibility a plan not to be restored after flip/refocusing if the PHD2 auto-resumes or user resumes the guiding.
- Fixed Not showing the auto hide taskbar when the APT is maximized.
- Fixed Auto refocusing not starting on 0s exposure lines
- Fixed The dew heater control for ToupTek cameras
- Fixed APT window resizing after starting.
- Fixed Not connecting to QHY 247 via native driver
- Fixed USB speed not saved correctly for Altair and ToupTek/Omegon/ES cameras
- Fixed A crash during start when focuser or mount is not connected
- Fixed Shift+Click on Start (DSLR or CCD/CMOS) doesn't use twilight offset
- Fixed #CCDCool command not to show confirmation messages
- Fixed The Plan Editor logic for asking to save the changes
- Fixed smaller bugs here and there
2022/06/10 - v.4.01 Fixes
- Fixed rare possibility APT to crash on click Add Time trigger button in SessionCraft
- Fixed the Deep Sky Darkness, Astro Night and Night end exact times in SessionCraft
- Added Profile name to be displayed in main window top left corner under the APT version number
- Added Showing the camera number in the window title when multiple cameras are used
- Added newer version of the TemperHum support made by Pablo Gazmuri
2022/05/15 - v.4.00 DSLR Auto Refocusing, Summary Tab, Polar Alignment tool and many more!
Note: The Windows XP support ended with APT 3.88!
- Added PAPS results auto saving in Documents->APT_Data folder for usage for mounts with motorized Alt/Az
- Added possibility to make Img Tab to be floating window (Shift+Click)
- Added new FocusCraft Settings - Star detection SNR which is passed to ASTAP, default is 10, increase it to handle brighter background
- Added latest Benjamin Schulz library (makes the InvPower less sensitive to saturation)
- Added "Add to Cust" button in Object Browser ToDo tab
- Added Pause button SessionCraft to disable scheduled the plan
- Added SessionCraft to Deep Sky Darkness, Astro Night and Night end exact times.
- Added automatic refocus pausing/resuming when tracking is turned off/on or scope is parked/unparked
- Added SessionCraft Altitude trigger to become unchecked after execution to allow multiple enabling per night
- Added automatic Refocusing stop during the day
- Added behavior, 0s exposures in plan not to increase the images counter for refocusing
- Added possibility #CCDWarm and #CCDCool commands to work with cooling/warming step 0.0 without waiting the process to complete
- Added FastCheck parameter of #GoTo++, When is used the GoTo++ will check the current image to see of there is need to execute the GoTo++ sequence of actions
- Added setting Language in Main tab of Settings (Japanese and Chinese support, more can be added by request)
- Added special support to display correctly the Object Name, and Custom Objects entry in Japanese and Chinese
- Added better UI behavior of all edit boxes when Japanese and Chinese are used
- Added automatic guiding stop on mount parking
- Added when exposure is canceled by Auto-Cancel no dithering to be executed
- Added internal pause to workaround a problem in iOptron ASCOM driver for reporting the slewing state
- Added workaround of problem with long filenames when ASPS for blind solving is used
- Added optimization in the communication with the focuser driver for better behavior of Arduino based focusers
- Added possibility to use Del keyboard key in Img Tab and full keyboard only operation support
- Added possibility to make connection to Stellarium by computer name
- Added special care to fix problem in FITS file access in DSS Live
- Added support for newer TemperHum models. Thank you Pablo Gazmuri for implementing it!
- Added support for refocusing synchronization when multiple cameras are used
- Added support for meridian flip synchronization when multiple cameras are used
- Added better imageID when PC only destination is set for Digital cameras
- Added ZWO cameras connection possibility when multiple cameras from same model is used
- Added ZWO 1.22 SDK
- Added ToupTek SDK - 53.20722.20220424
- Added QHYCCD SDK 22.04.20
- Added AltairAstro SDK 20220424
- Changed the color of the APT icon
- Changed Auto Focus Aid to change and restore ROI on refocusing process star/end not on window closing
- Updated the HNSKY communication protocol (please upgrade your HNSKY with the latest version)
- Fixed thumbnails generation when there is non-Latin letters in the path or name
- Fixed FITs saving problem in some cases when there are non-Latin letters in the path or name
- Fixed no dithering after Shift+Click on Pause to cancel the current exposure when CCD and Nikons are used
- Fixes rare problem with image thumbnails handling in Img Tab
- Fixed Name and Notes in Custom/ToDo tabs for non-Latin alphabet languages
- Fixed collision in Dithering and Refocusing
- Fixed PHD2 port reverting back to 4400 when multiple cameras/mounts are used
- Fixed a bug in SessionCraft - in some cases the defined plan will not be executed
- Fixed rare random clicks on buttons behind the active window
- Fixed rare cases when opening Object Browser or other windows from other and using dropdown list can cause APT UI blocking.
- Fixed a bug with saving the main profile when other profile is loaded and saved before that
- Fixed a bug when blinking Framing masks is stopped during the invisible state
- Fixed sometimes showing two Median labels in PixelAid
- Fixed the bug with "|" on the folder name.
- Fixed smaller bugs here and there
2021/11/18 - v.3.90 Auto Refocusing, powerful SessionCraft and many more!
Note: Don't install APT 3.90 on Windows XP! Currently the last version which works on XP is APT 3.88.
- Added Refocus on manual push after next image in SessionCraft
- Added Settings to refocus on Filter Change in SessionCraft
- Added data log for the last executed auto-focusing in SessionCraft
- Added option to schedule different plans execution by time in SessionCraft
- Added option to schedule plan execution on defined Altitude in SessionCraft
- Added option to schedule plan execution on Darkness, Astro Night, Night End in SessionCraft
- Added support for QHY Filter Wheel in native mode when it is connected directly to the camera
- Added UI face-lift - borders, radio buttons, check boxes and more
- Added double clicking on graph Guiding section of
Gear tab
asks if you want to clear the data
- Added Local button in CCD/CMOS Histogram. When disabled the tool shows and work with the whole 0-65355 range. When enabled it shows and work only with Range that has data
- Added GoTo Equator option (Shift+Click on GoTo in Gear Tab) for better PHD2 calibration
- Added Shift+Click on Aim button to show the Ra/Dec distance in Log panel to help manual Aim / GoTo++
- Added up to 3 attempts with 30s pause of taking new image and solving on GoTo++ failure - applied to GoTo++ , #GoTo++ script command and for target re-centering in Meridian Flip
- Added ZWO SDK 1.20.2
- Added Altair Astro SDK 20210912
- Added QHY SDK 21.10.12
- Added workaround of strange fan control behavior in Altair Astro SDK
- Added workaround of strange cooler control behavior in ToupTek native driver
- Added logic for Altair Astro/ToupTek to stop fan when cooler is off
- Added ImageID for CCD/CMOS images is not date-time anymore, but unique number. Be sure to add date/time in Name Parts if you want.
- Added a setting for Twilight Offset in Location Tab
- Added better check for focuser temperature to catch missing probe
- Added possibility when auto focusing in Auto-Focus Aid is stopped or failed the focuser to be returned to the starting position
- Added OBJCTALT/OBJCTAZ in the FITS header to be used by NormalizeScaleGradient script in PixInsight
- Added APTDIA FITS Keyword to store the Scope diameter entered in Tools Tab
- Added more precise "exposure start time" measurement for the JD FITS Keyword
- Added Scope Diameter management in Profile Selector in Tools Tab
- Added remembered the selected item and sorting on Object Browser during the session
- Added possibility for to show filter name in Plan Editor read from the ASCOM driver
- Added skip dithering action when exposure is canceled with Shift+Click on the Pause button.
- General stability improvements
- ZWO Hardware Bin was removed by advice from ZWO team
- Fixed problems with settings profiles under Windows 7
- Fixed problem with default size/position of FocusCraft in some cases
- Fixed "Unknown command" reported on first Shoot from the session
- Fixed bug in temperature compensation forcing focuser position change during focusing
- Fixed bug in Pixel Aid not showing correct values when switching between One Pixel and Whole Image
- Fixes in native cameras drivers support to prevent crashes during connection
- Fixed filter name in FITS header, sometimes the spaces in the name were not removed
- Fixed FOCUSERPOS key word is not stored in FITS files created with SBIG cameras
- Fixed the camera angle value sent/read to/from CdC
- Fixed rare case when imaging plan is not resumed after meridian flip
- Fixed problem in connecting to EOS M50 Mk II
- Fixed problem SBIG Wheel control introduced by the latest SBIG drivers
- Fixed smaller bugs here and there
2021/05/06 - v.3.88 New auto-focusing plus a lot of features and fixes
- Added is new
Auto Focusing Aid that uses new focusing idea - Hyperbola Fit which is the next generation of the famous V-Curve
- Added possibility
Auto Focusing Aid to use ROI for faster downloading when big mega-pixel cameras are used
- Added Button "
O" in
Camera tab to show/hide the Offset column
- Added Shift+Click on the
Pause button restarts the current exposure during plan execution
- Added command
#ConditionalStop - the most powerful command in APT which is "semi-backgorund" and gives new level of automation
- Added command
#StopPlan (parameter Full stops the plan completely, without it will be executed the one set with #NextPlan)
- Added possibility
ZWO and
Altair Astro cameras to be connected by name ( no mixing with the guider anymore :) )
- Added ZWO 1.17 native driver
- Added Altair Astro SDK 20210311 (should solve all problems, Altair Astro said)
- Added GRGB bayer pattern support
- Added support for INDIGO mount agent
- Added the latest INDIGO library to be prepared for the coming features from INDIGO team
- Added better logging in
Log Panel/Log file when AutoFocus/PointCraft/FlatsAid images are taken
- Added Shift+Click on
Auto Focusuing Run button allows to make new calculations on the gathered points. Give possibility to change the settings and see if can get better focus
- Added Shift+Click on
Auto Focusing Analyzer button to exports the focusing data to clipboard for sharing in the APT Forum or with the APT team.
- Added Ctrl+Click on
Auto Focusing Analyzer button to import data from clipboard in format the section from Log file - the lines with "AF (FPHF) Positions:" and " AF (FPHF) Values:"
- Added auto conversion the Robofocuser raw temperature units to C/F
- Added in
PointCraft hold left mouse button mouse and move shows the Ra/Dec coordinates of the pointer in the solved image
- Added
Aim mode to show in
Log Panel the delta Ra/Dec for manual "GoTo++" via setting circles
- Added remembering
Focus Craft's state, position and size between the sessions
- Added "Use NOT de-bayered FITS images" in
FocusCraft settings
- Added "Calculate" check box in
FocusCraft for easy enabling/disabling the HFD/FWHM calculation
- Added support for PrimaLuceLab EAGLE EYE ( in
Sky & T settings tab)
- Added remembering the selected button in
Graphs between the sessions
- The
Extended list in
Object Browser now contains 21253 objects. The Sharpless2 entries are updated with the full catalog and has object sizes and description - provided by Jim Hunt
- Fixed PC only image destination for EOS cameras with Digic 8 and newer
- UI Fixes needed for the floating Camera/Gear tabs
- Fixed never ending exposure when camera got in undefined state
- Fixed the wrong plan duration display when plan start with 0s exposure and other cases
- Fixed the
profiles when APT Camera 2 is started for first time
- Fixed problem with connecting to ZWO ASI2600
- Fixed problem with connecting to Altair Astro 26C
- Fixed possible problem color balance of the images taken with color ZWO cameras
- Fixed re-populating the name in the command #SetObjName in the ScriptEditor when there are pauses in the name
- Fixed checking for new APT version to be by date and version name
- Fixed the bug when enter coordinates with space in the beginning or ending in
Location settings tab
- Fixed DSUSB control lost after automated meridian flip with Nikon cameras
- Fixed a bug that was setting the USB Speed for Altair Astro to 100%. Now is possible to set lower values - 40 is the slowest (corresponds to 0 in ASCOM diver) anything less than 100 is the middle speed...
- Fixed bug in Plan Editor when the exposures defined filter doesn't correspond to the current wheel filters count
- Fixed INDIGO Focuser MaxStep error for some focuser drivers
- Fixed bad image downloading form ZWO camera via INDIGO/INDI
- Fixed bug that can make
PointCraft to call ASPS instead of ASTAP
- Fixed LiveView not working for D780
- Fixed bug with the sounds when notifications can stop playing after editing in
Sounds settings tab
- Fixed general behavior of text boxes. If there is lower limit it will be set on the control lost focus
- Fixed bug in Focuser
GoTo not allowing to stop the move
- Fixed AMF bug - no flip if the object pass through meridian during dithering
- Fixed wrong angle in
PointCraft in some cases when ASTAP is used with FITS files
- Fixed Show in Stellarium wrong FOV orientation in some cases
- Fixed images storing on network/cloud drives
- Fixed a lot of smaller bugs here and there
2020/11/14 - v.3.87 New features and fixes
- Added solution of the ZWO image download hanging!
- Added solution of the Altair Astro image download hanging!
- Added general stability improvements
- Added automatic check for new version
- Added
FocusCraft - multi-stars HFD and FWHM measuring tool (still experimental)
- Added the latest ZWO native drivers - v1.15.0915
- Added ZWO native driver color balance handling of internal settings for better FITS files
- Added Video LiveView for ZWO to allow changing the binning
- Added the latest Altair Astro SDK 20201110
- Added Ultra mode and DewHeater control for Altair Astro,
Camera Tab in
Settings dialog box
- Added binning support for Altair Astro cameras via native driver
- Added ZWO/Altair cameras detection if the cameras is USB 2.0 or 3.0 and what connection type is made 2.0 or 3.0, reports in the
Log Panel
- Added Canon SDK 13.13.10
- Added support for EOS 1500D, EOS 3000D (Australian models)
- Added "extended list" for
Stars tab in
ObjectBrowser - 337 stars compiled and described by
Andrew Knight
- Added Shift+Click on
Gear Tabs to make them floating
- Added Ra/Dec graphics in
Guide mode of
Graphs when PHD2, MGEN is used
- Added
Air Mass calculation in Status Panel (requires mount connection)
- Added
Air Mass value storing as FITS keyword
- Added usage of the active device connection with INDIGO/INDI server - avoids possible resetting of other connected clients
- Added the latest INDIGO/INDI communication library
- Added check if the scope is at park position to avoid unwanted Meridian flip
- Added improvement in scope tracking detection to better the meridian flip (at least with iOptron mounts)
- Added the possibility to read/set OFFSET/Black Level (setting by
#CCDOffset command) via QHY ASCOM driver for the newer camera models. Updates the FITS header too
- Added GI and GFI commands in the API
- Added
#FocuserGoTo X - script command, X is position or the string @1 or @2 or @3 which corresponds to the stored positions in
Gear tab
- Added
#WaitTillTime XX:XX:XX script command. Will hold the next exposure till the given time
- Added
#Shutdown command execution improvements
- Added possibility in Plan Editor (
CCD/CMOS modes) to show the commands
- Added support for the new Meade Generic ASCOM driver
- Updated the SBIG integration
- Changed the FITS stored exposure for flats when Lacerta FBC is used. Now it includes the delay value too.
- Change -
Bigger UI fonts is now function available only in XP and Vista. For Windows 7 and later should be used the Windows interface scaling
- Change - the native old QSI driver is abandoned - ATIK/QSI suggest to use the latest ASCOM Driver
- Change -
Manage Gain setting in the
CCD tab now is applied to native drivers too
- Fixed some cases when
PointCraft gives error "No image to solve" or is solving JPG file instead of FITS
- Fixed recognition of EOS 1D C
- Fixed problems with EOS cameras that have Digic X
- Fixed a bug in reading the filter offset from wheel ASCOM drivers
- Fixed wrong focal length calculation when PS2 is used on binned color image
- Fixed a bug in meridian flip not resuming imaging plan when default filter is set in
- Fixed Default
GoTo++ ISO setting affecting the Auto Focus Aid
- Fixed
PointCraft showing sometimes wrong North direction when ASTAP is used
- Fixed random gain is sent during
GoTo++, Flats Aid, Focus Aid
- Fixed Guide Graph when MGEN is used
- Fixed CR2/CR3 Preview orientation - in some cases the preview was flipped
- Fixed incorrect focal length and resolution reported when near solving a DSLR RAW file
- Fixed
PointCraft to show consistent FOV angle and North direction in ASTAP, PS2 and ASPS
- Fixed the problem that ignores the Shift key during start
- Fixed for meridian flipping for mounts that can accept command for direct pier side change
- Fixed camera orientation angle when is using
Show with CdC
2020/04/17 - v.3.84 New features and fixes
- Added
ASTAP integration for
Near and/or
Blind solving in
PointCraft. A modern and fast solving application with easy installation
- Added
USB Monitor (
F10 key, button in Log area to show/hide) - it works all the time and shows if and when USB devices are plugged/unplugged
- Added support for EOSD 200 Mk II (Australian version of EOS 250D)
- Added
configurable Filer Wheel connection check on plan start if it contains filter changes
- Added in
CCD Flats Aid possibility to define pause between the exposures in the generated plan for better experience with some flat panels
- Added Focal length calculation for near results with PS2
- Added BAYERPAT FITS keyword when
Color FITS Preview is selected for easier de-bayering during processing
- Added some more handling for unexpected PHD2 behavior when multiple APT instances are used
- Added Latest ZWO native drivers support - 1.14.1227
- Added Altair SDK 2020.0404 to support latest models
- Added the latest Nikon communication libraries for all models released after year 2006
- Added sending messages to GNS when exposure is Auto Canceled or CCD/CMOS image can't be downloaded
- Updated the extended list in Object Browser with the latest updates made by Andrew Knight (21 198 objects) - more than 2000 new objects added!
- Changed JD FITS keyword to be the moment of the exposure start rather than image saving moment
- Fixed behavior when
Image Preview is OFF not to show the images from CCD camera
- Fixed possible case when filter name is not stored in the file name after execution of
#GoTo++ command
- Fixed camera ZWO disconnection when click on
Disconnect then cancel the process
- Fixed sometimes exposure not starting or counting infinitely when Canon camera is used and image destination is Cam+PC
- Fixed FilterName part in File Names after
- Fixed
Cross moving/rotating when there is no loaded image
- Fixed
Framing Masks bug that can crash APT when new mask is deleted before saving.
- Fixed
Auto-Focusing with HFD is not continuing the process when FWHM is 0
- Fixed incorrect description of EOS X9 model in the internal database, The EU and US version are not affected
- Fixed a bug causing GoTo
commands in plan and
PointCraft not waiting the slew move to finish before continue with next action
- Fixed
small blinking rectangle in Preview Area for LiveView with Nikon cameras
- Fixed smaller bugs here and there
2019/12/11 - v.3.82 Fixes and new features
- Added latest ZWO native driver and support for ASI533MC
- Added general stability improvements to prevent rare crashes without any error messages
- Fixed Blind Solving for De-bayered images from color CCD/CMOS cameras
- Fixed Nikon mirrorless cameras LiveView Zoom function
- Fixed rare possibility APT to hang on old image loading during download from CCD camera
- Fixed the USB Speed for Altair Astro to work with values 40, 80, 100% instead of 0, 1, 2
2019/11/22 - v.3.81 Fixes
- Added better switching between Video LiveView and Images LiveView for native ZWO
- Added Scope data cache to make the connection better with some 10Micron and iOptron models
- Added Gain in Camera Tab is taken in account for AltairAstro and ZWO native connections no matter the Manage Gain option value
- Fixed possible fails of Blind solving
- Fixed configuration file reading under Windows XP
2019/11/14 - v.3.80 Native ZWO support
- Added is Canon 13.11.00 library
- Added support for the latest CR3 and NEF files
- Added better handling for Nikon battery level display and notification when AC adapter is used
- Added Altair Astro native library 2019-09-06
- Added USB Speed control for Altair Astro, ZWO
- Added small blinking rectangle in the Preview Area for better feedback when next image is drawn in the Preview Area
- Added possibility PointCraft to use FITS images for solving instead of JPG when CCD/CMOS is used
- Added CCD bias + Advanced Bias to execute command when exposure is 0s
- Added "beep" when CCD image can't be downloaded for more than 30s
- Added improvements in the INDIGO/INDI communication
- Added better algorithm for APT Dithering to prevent target drift in one direction during long imaging plan
- Reworked all settings and log storage to be in "My Documents" sub folder to prevent settings lost mainly happening when switching to or back from "Run As Administrator"
- Added check if the drive with defined Images Path is connected on image plan start
- Added reading from FITS header to determine the binning for solving binned images
- Added camera offset in the FITS header and add option to include in the file name (ZWO and Altair Astro)
- Added possibility to resize the Graph windows
- Added minor improvements in PointCraft to cooperate better with ASTAP
- In Object Browser when Extended lists is enabled the M and NGC columns are joined to provide more screen space
- Updated the extended list in Object Browser with the latest updates made by Andrew Knight (19 596 objects)
- Fixed ASCOM Focuser auto connection
- Fixed FITS header for Dark Flats - there was no image type keyword
- Fixed #CCDGain command for Altair and INIDIGO/INDI cameras
- Fixed #nextPlan execution not to show confirmation messages for ROI and don't ask for Object Name if the option is enabled
- Fixed the pixels size calculation for Blind solving when binning is used
- Fixed Darkness Clock bug in for the night of Summer to Winter time change
- Fixed Automated Meridian Flip (AMF) not waiting PHD2 to calibrate
- Fixed Automated Meridian Flip (AMF) not making flip move in rare and random cases
- Fixed Blind solving can read ASPS results in rare cases
- Fixed angle for "Show" in HNSKY
- Fixed Object Browser's "Show" button usage immediately after Import
- Fixed randomly showing huge peak in far right of the CCD Histogram
- Fixed the KeysThingy not showing in few dialog boxes
- Some changes to improve the stability
- Fixed smaller bugs here and there
2019/06/06 - v.3.71 Fixes
- Fixed bug introduced by APT 3.70 in bulb exposures with Nikon cameras
- Fixed APT 3.70 not starting under Windows XP
2019/05/30 - v.3.70 INDIGO / INDI and more
- Added
INDIGO/ INDI support (RaspberryPi, ASIAir,
StarMaster, StellarMate) for CCD/CMOS cameras, mounts, filter wheel and focusers
- Added support for
GPS devices that can talk NMEA protocol via COM port and also for smartphones using additional app via Bluetooth
- Added extended
Deep Sky Object Browser list with 18000+ objects (Thanks to Andrew Knight for compiling it!). There is check box to switch between the short and the extended lists
- Added support
Lunatico GNS to get alarms on smartphone on APT crash or failed
- Added "
Keys Thingy" - smart screen keyboard for entering data (just double click on a text box)
- Added improvements for pasting RA/Dec values (all places where you can enter RA/Dec). Now supports virtually all possible formats
- Added is Canon 13.10.20 library
- Added is the latest Altair Astro SDK - 20190327
- Added logic in case
AMF happens during Flat, Bias, Dark or Dark Flat plan execution APT to stop the tracking and guiding and continue with the imaging plan
- Added 10 minutes timeout for PHD2/MGEN calibration after
AMF (hard coded to avoid rare used setting)
- Added storing the image for solving on failed
AMF (before and after flip)
- Added possibility to define all focuser moves to end with
inwards move
- Added Time stamp in the
Log panel for better events tracking
- Added
Aim to print the distance in pixels to the new target in the Log panel
- Added reporting for the maximum
focuser position in the
Log panel on connection time
- Added filter name in the DARK FLAT filenames
- Added Camera name as images
Grouping option
- Added setting
Auto DST (Day Light Saving Time) for automatic handling
- Added Nikon specific notes the
KMtronic cable making instructions
- Increased the hard coded timeout for MGEN calibration to 5 mins
- Fixed Stop button in Camera Tab (
CCD/CMOS modes) was not accessible after
- Fixed the PHD2 integration.
Dithering or
AMF could hang if PHD2 re-select the star during the running process
- Fixed the PHD2 integration rare possibility to hang on
- Fixed Nikon Z7 and Z6 LiveView not showing image
- Fixed rare incorrect filter name value in FITS header
- Fixed
SessionCraft not showing on the right monitor on multi-monitor setup
- Fixed the window mode on high DPI screens with enabled Windows Scaling
- Fixed the full screen mode on high DPI screens with enabled Windows Scaling and when task bar is always visible
- Fixed a bug in "
Auto Cancel" feature when Nikon camera is used
- Fixed smaller bugs here and there
2019/01/17 - v.3.63 Fixes
- Added automatic settings restore on APT crash
- Added improvements in
AMF (Automatic Meridian Flip) for more robust operation
- Fixed plan hanging on dithering with PHD2 when guiding star is temporary lost - the main reason for this release
- Fixed DARV crash when Nikon camera is used
- Fixed possibility APT to hang after
AMF when there is connected filter wheel
- Fixed possibility APT to hang after
AMF when star is temporary lost during PHD2 re-calibration
2019/01/04 - v.3.62 Fixes
- Fixed random APT hanging after Automatic Meridian Flip when Nikon camera is used
- Fixed possibility APT to hang after Automatic Meridian Flip when PHD2 re-calibration is used
2019/01/02 - v.3.61 Fixes
- Fixed possibility to loose frames after Automatic Meridian Flip
- Fixed possibility image plan to hang on Dithering when Dithering Delay is used and there is no running guiding
- Fixed no preview when Shoot is used with RAW only on Nikon DSLR
2018/12/20 - v.3.60 The Automatic Meridian Flip version
- Added Alt/Az to Ra/Dec conversion if mount is not supporting go to Alt/Az (like EQMod). Works for
Advanced GoTo and
#GoToAltAz*** and is useful for model creation
- Added controlling support for
Nikon Z6
- Added the latest
Nikon D850 and
Z7 communication libraries
- Added
Object Browser optimizations for better handling of huge lists.
- Improved the
#GoTo*** script commands to wait the Guiding to start before resuming plan execution, no more added pause is needed
- Removed sounds exposure start/stop for Dark Flats imaging plans
- Fixed the wrongly reported resolution in
PointCraft for de-bayered images
- Fixed possible incorrect client triggering in Loose mode when
multi-camera dithering clients are executing Vertical Plans with different exposure durations
- Fixed usage of [ ] in CCD file names/folders causing lost images
- Fixed a possible bug in
#GoTo++ when command is executed with Nikon camera
- Fixed Canon filenames were not built correctly before APT restart when Celsius/Fahrenheit is changed.
- Fixed smaller bugs here and there
2018/10/25 - v.3.57 Lots of new features and bug fixes
- Added support for
EOS R, M50 (image in R+L because there is no .CR3 decoding yet)
- Added
Orange skin (better contrast, same as red darkness adaptation)
- Added integration PHD2 communication protocol (more control over the dithering/canceling distance, select PHD2 in the
Guide settings)
- Added
Filter Wheel settings tab has new column - Gain which allows defining gain value per filter (empty value means "no change")
- Added
Gain in
Camera tab to control the gain value for LiveView, Shoot or Imaging plan. Empty value leaves the gain control to the camera driver
- Added reporting the gain value used for every exposure in the
Log panel - "Bin (1x), Gain (20), Duration(5")..."
- Added support for
Planetary imaging for Nikon DSLRs - recording the LiveView stream as series of JPGs
- Added better background color for the messages dialog boxes for more contrast when other dialog boxes are open
- Added more improvements in the older
- Added changes for better communication with the Moravian ASCOM driver
- Added manual filter wheel setting "
Pause to change wheel" which enables opening a dialog box when manual wheel has to be rotated. The resumes imaging when user clicks OK
- Added better Settings saving to prevent data loss
- Added new parameter "auto" for
#LoadImage (loads the last taken image, works between sessions)
- Added new commands in the
TCP/IP API - GE - Curr Exposure number , GT - Get Total Count, GR - get if plan is running
- Added feedback when CCD camera is not sending an expected image
- Added various UI Improvements
- Added improvement in the memory management during imaging with CCD/CMOS for faster image preview and saving
- Added CCD images memory usage optimizations for better work with big sensor cameras
- Added the latest Canon communication library - 3.9.0
- Added the latest Nikon communication libraries
- Added new version of the DSLRs RAW decoding library for better support of the latest models
- Removed the exposure start/end sound for bias/flats
- Changed the pooling rate for mount status for better behavior with some Vixen and iOptron mounts
- Fixed CCD frames not saved when plan has brackets or quotes in the name and plan name is part of the images grouping or naming
- Fixed several reasons for unexpected crashes in CCD mode
- Fixed not including the filter name in the image file name when DSLR is used
- Fixed
Auto-focusing wrong error message for too big Coarse step
- Fixed image grouping by Plan Type when Shoot is used
- Fixed
PointCraft default exposure for CCDs (no more false error message)
- Fixed a huge remaining time reported after command execution
- Fixed is the
%ETime% script command parameter
- Fixed bug in the temperature compensation during plan execution
- Fixed bug crashing APT when re-centering
cross during Nikon LiveView session
- Fixed the hanging on stopping
GoTo++ when MGEN is used
- Fixed a bug when filter wheel is used with Nikon camera
- Fixed a bug which was clearing the filter names when there is not entered location
- Fixed rare bug that is not getting pixel size in
Bahtinov Aid or even more rare causing the Aid to crash
- Fixed bug that can cause in rare situations CCD image preview with bad scale or no scroll
- Fixed missing tooltips in main screen areas
- Fixed bug
Scheduling and Looping plan execution for DSD, Astro Night or Night
- Fixed smaller bugs here and there
2018/05/30 - v.3.54 Birthday edition - 9th years of APT
- Created is the
Ringy Thingy - a unique way to edit numeric data in the dark, using only mouse or touch pad. Makes possible a whole imaging session without touching the keyboard!
See the animation
- Added possibility to scroll image in
1:1 Preview Mode by dragging with right mouse button (no Shift key is needed)
- Added Canon library 3.8
- Added support for EOS 2000D (T7, x90), EOS 4000D (T100)
- Added Support for the latest TemperHum devices
- Added Canon
LiveView load balancing to prevent camera blocking causing low FPS
- Added check for Bulb exposure on GoTo++ start
- Added CAMERA-DATE-OBS key word in FITS
- Added better RA calculation for
Aim mode in higher/lower declinations
- Added A-XXX parameter for the
#CCDCool command to allow cooling with X.XX degrees below the ambient temperature (
external sensor is needed)
- Added new parameter "As Set" for the
#CCDWarm command to warm to the temperature defined in
Warming Aid
- Added Ringy Thingy in
Gear Tab
- Added Ringy Thingy in
Tools Tab
- Added Ringy Thingy in some more not so frequently used places
- Changed
temperature compensation applying and
dithering start moment for the CCD/CMOS cameras to avoid bright stars ghosts when SCT is used with shutter-less cameras
- Fixed some Canon models were going into Direct Transfer mode after several connect/disconnect
- Fixed bug in
Stellarium integration - telescope index setting was ignored making possible to use only position #0
- Fixed losing zoom setting during multiple recordings in EOS
Planetary Panel
- Fixed smaller bugs here and there
2018/03/07 - v.3.53 Optional Fix
- Fixed possible problem when the AstroTortilla integration is used with Nikon Camera
- Fixed possible problem problem whit importing coordinates in some parts of the sky from
2018/03/02 - v.3.52 Fix
- Fixed possible problem with connection to SkyWatcher mounts
2018/02/28 - v.3.51 Fixes and new features
- Added automatic checking, enabling/disbaling of the Mirror Lock camera function for Digic 5+ when
Anti-Vibration Pause is used
- Added
setting in the
CCD tab to check the camera temperature before plan start. Helps to avoid imaging with un-cooled camera
- Added support for the newest TemperHUMs
- Added
#CCDCool command to cool the camera
- Added support for ASCII version of the KMTronic board
- Fixed many problems with Celestron NightScape cameras. Required is to enable
Higher CCD Compatibility and to start APT using "Run As Administrator"
- Fixed problem with dial mode detection for Digic 6, 7 cameras with B and M dial positions
- Fixed problem causing on some computers the Nikon DLLs to give error on loading.
- Fixed
in CCD/CMOS mode wrong centering when double click is used to switch from Fit to 1:1 Preview Mode. Also causing problems when ROI is used
- Fixed FITS keyword DATE-OBS format when SBIG camera is used
- Fixed
.COS import when the decimal separator is comma
- Fixed pixel size for D7100 in the database causing problem with Plate-Solving
- Fixed name trimming when
#SetObjName command is executed with name containing spaces
- Fixed
bug in showing western hemisphere coordinates in Location setting tab
- Fixed
bug in Check Lists, giving an error in some cases (affected was only the demo version)
- Fixed some smaller bugs
2017/12/22 - v.3.50 New features and bug fixes
- Added possibility in EOS
Planetary to define how to make the recordings - by number of frames or by number of seconds
- Added possibility to automate multiple recordings in EOS
Planetary mode
- Added possibility in EOS
Planetary mode automatically to turn off the LiveView between the recordings for cooling the sensor
- Another frame rate increase of EOS
Planetary mode (up to two times), on non-SSD disks the boost can be even bigger
- Added
Object Calculator to report the sensor dimensions in pixels and pixel size for usage in Stellarium configuration
- Added displaying the
location coordinates in GPS format for usage in the coming Android and iOS Darkness Calculator apps
- Added possibility to
open JPG file in the associated program
- The APT project was moved to the newest developing platform to allow Stellarium integration and other coming features
- Other important changes under the hood in order to support the future development
- Security improvements in the APT site and the setup program
- Fixed request to set EOS 77D in B dial mode
- Fixed possible reason for rare unexplained crashes during ASCOM devices usage
- Fixed various things here and there
2017/12/04 - v.3.42 Important Fix
- Fixed a bug that can crash APT when Nikon camera is used
2017/11/20 - v.3.41 Important Fix
- Added support for Nikon D850
- Fixed very rare possibility to lose frames in the Demo version. Full version is unaffected
2017/10/12 - v.3.40 The biggest update so far
- Added support for most of the Nikon DSLR cameras
- Added is support for EOS 77D, 800D, 6D MkII and 200D (SL2, x8)
- Added possibility to use Orion StarShoot cameras via ASCOM driver
- Added is
ICT Image Center Thumbnails - possibility to see 1:1 scale thumbnails in the
Image Browser
- Added is
#RotatorPos command that allows to control the rotator position from within plan
- Added is
#GoToAltAz command to make GoTo by Altitude/Azimuth
- Added Connect Camera/Scope/Focuser and etc. buttons will open automatically the corresponding selection dialog box if connection to the last device can't be made
- Added Canon library 3.6.1
- Added possibly all floating windows to follow the main window moving/resizing
- Added handling for big CCD/CMOS images (like from the new Altair cameras)
- Added possibility to execute EOS plan with exposures up to 10s in M dial mode on cameras with B dial mode
- Added possibility to store the
Histogram and
Graphs position between the sessions
- Added minor tweak in the LiveView button (and the others like it) to make more visible when they are in pressed state
- Reworked is completely the multi-monitor support to address various problems.
- Improvement of EOS
Planetary mode. Smaller saved images and almost doubled frame rate
- Fixed is rare possibility APT to crash on filter wheel connection
- Fixed are theoretical (no reported yet) possibilities for crashes in ASCOM telescope, focuser, camera, rotator communication.
- Fixed
Camera tab to show correct
Digic version for Canon EOS camera with Digic 7 processor
- Fixed is bug in
Plan editor. In some situations there was need to make double selection of filter or aperture during exposure editing
- Fixed a bug in
Object Browser when Show is clicked from empty ToDo list
- Fixed is a bug in plan scheduling options when the schedule happens after midnight.
- Fixed bug in image preview when imaged with EOS RAW only image quality
- Fixed bug in the time zone of some Spanish
- Fixed in some situation Moon rise time was not calculated correctly in
Darkness clock
- Fixed some issues with automatic opening of device selection dialog boxes
- Fixed a problem with image
Auto Cancel in CCD/CMOS mode
- Fixed are some problems with Remote Desktop including the full screen bug when changing computers with different screen resolution.
- Fixed a crashing in
Pixel Aid when image is dragged during loading a new image
- Fixed a very rare bug in FITS loading
- Fixed a bug when Dithering is started with defined delay
- Fixed false notification about applied temperature compensation when focuser is disconnected
- Fixed a bug that was not allowing AstroTortilla to take image without selected plan in Camera tab
2017/04/26 - v.3.33 Small update
- Added in
Object Browser import from .COS and .C2A files generated in C2A
- Added in
Pixel Aid option to show whole image statistics in FITS mode
- Added #GuideControl
API command to turn on/off guiding
- Added #SolveGoTo
API command to solve an image and GoTo to the found coordinates
- Added #NextPlan
API command to define a plan that to be executed when current one is completed
- Added stopping LiveView on
- Added Gain keyword in the FITS header
- Added automatic CCD/CMOS profile (pixel size, width, height) population (
- Added commands P1 (stop guiding) and P2 (park scope) in the
TCP/IP protocol
- The sound system will not play "disconnected" sounds on APT start
- Fixed wrong pause duration value in
Status panel when exposure is very short.
- Fixed various things here and there
2017/02/13 - v.3.31 Bug Fix
2017/02/09 - v.3.30 Major update
- Added new focuser control system
- Added up to 3 stored focuser positions (
bookmarks) for fast GoTo to certain positions
- Added "
Flop Correction" to compensate the mirror flop of Schmidt-Cassegrain / Maksutov telescopes
- Added new Sound System with 36 events. It can use WAV and MP3 sounds.
- Added new Settings tab -
- Added two sound packages -
female and
male voices
- Added
setting to control the cooling/warming accuracy because of strange behavior in Atik driver
- Added scheduled Start Options for
CCD(CMOS) to ask if you want to start immediately if today's event has passed.
- Added is
pause between GoTo completion and Guiding resuming
- Added possibility to store CCD Gain in the filename
- Added possibility to store the focuser position the filename
- Added interface improvements when APT is used through remote computer connection
- Some settings from
Advanced and
Main tabs are moved to the new tabs
- Fixed is rare bug in
CCD(CMOS) histogram that was causing no auto-stretch or black screen
- Fixed is temperature rounding problem in the CCD/CMOS filenames. Sometimes the bad rounding leads to 1C difference.
- Fixed is exposure timer and remaining time. On slow PC or loaded PC was possible to display wrong values
- Fixed main screen unwanted scrolling
- Fixed a bug causing focuser controls to remain disabled after
- Fixed incorrect error reporting when
Location coordinates are imported from ASCOM telescope driver
- Fixed missing exposure duration in the filename when image is taken through the remote APT API
- Fixed various things here and there
2016/11/10 - v.3.20 New features and bug fixes
- Added
"Light Auto" EOS imaging plan type - Light plan in AV dial mode for easier eclipses imaging
- Added expected plan duration calculation in Plan Editor (
CCD(CMOS)) during plan edit/creation
- Added remembering
Focus Aid graph type selection between the APT sessions
- Added Shift+Click on
Guide button closes/opens connection to the guide program
- Added Canon library 3.5
- Added support for EOS 5D Mk IV
- Added the button
Settings in
CCD(CMOS) Camera tab will try to open the ASCOM settings without camera disconnection in order to keep the cooling running
- Added handling for ( and ) in FITS filename in order to avoid problem in the FITS saving library
- Added some changes for loading FITS files generated from CR2 in Nebulosity
- Replaced the automatic
Settings->Location time zone calculations with validation messages to cover all areas in Spain and France
- Tuned the
Light Gray skin colors for better tooltips reading
- Fixed double "s" in exposure part of filenames generated in rare cases
- Fixed "Don't dither plans" will not warn for no connection to PHD/MGen/LinGuider
- Fixed keeping EOS camera "On" was not working in rare cases
- Fixed Various fixes here and there
2016/07/28 - v.3.13 New features and bug fixes
- Added in Plan Editor (
CCD) possibility to clone an imaging plan as other type (for example to clone a light plan as darks plan)
- Added settings for defining the telescope movement
fast and
slow speeds
- Added
setting to enable/disable a work-around of LiveView problem with some QHY models
- Added showing the applied focus
offset in filter change in
Gear tab
- Fixed the "<" button in Img tab not showing the first image in folder without sub-folders
- Fixed LiveView problem for QHY9
- Fixed LiveView problem for QHY22
- Fixed rare problem in solving FITS files
- Fixed rare problem in FITS files reading
- Fixed wrong exposure duration storing in FITS header when exposure is shorter than 0.0001s
- Fixed incorrect calculation in DeepSky Darkness Calculator when Astro Twilight ends after midnight
- Fixed incorrect reporting that Color CCD is a Mono CCD in
Camera Tab
- Fixed endless reporting that CCD temperature can't be read when ASCOM driver doesn't provide value
- Fixed not updating correctly Filter Wheel "Go To filter" list on settings changes
2016/06/15 - v.3.12 New features and bug fixes
- Added User Interface facelift - gentle changes for better and modern look
- Added
APT Pulse Dithering - dithering with pulse guiding commands for using with self guided mounts like Meade StarLock or mounts like SW StarAdventure, AstroTrac and etc.
- Added scheduling
EOS or
CCD imaging plan execution on Deep Sky Darkness (DSD) start/end (FULL version only)
- Added scheduling
EOS or
CCD imaging plan execution on Astro night start/end
- Added scheduling
EOS or
CCD imaging plan execution on Night start/end
- Added support for the latest
TemperHum sensors
- Added holding Shift key during APT start will skip the devices auto-connection
- Added validation of all values pasted in edit boxes
- Added possibility to read/store the CCD Temperature for CCDs without cooler
- Fixed images saving crash when "/" is copy-pasted in
Object Name
- Fixed incorrect warning for unsupported image quality for Digic 2 cameras
- Fixed
Warming aid was using Celsius degrees step no matter that Fahrenheit is set.
- Fixed
Cooling aid for better warming when higher than current temperature is entered.
- Fixed bug in preview when long imaging plan is executed in RAW only mode
2016/04/27 - v.3.11 Small update
- Added Canon library 3.4
- Added support for EOS-1D X Mark II, EOS 80D, EOS 1300D (T6, X80)
- Added reminders when there is need to set the EOS lens in AF and back MF mode when
Lens Control is used
- Fixed crash when
Show in PointCraft is clicked without selected
- Fixed incorrect
#GoToOffset calculation around RA 0h and Dec +/- 90
- Fixed full screen mode on start-up
- Fixed windows size/position saving
2016/04/11 - v.3.10 Major update
- Completely rewritten User's Guide. Take a look!
- Added engine to communicate with
Planetarium applications
- Added support for Cartes du Ciel (CdC)
- Added support for Computer Aided Astronomy (C2A)
- Added support for SkytechX
- Added PointCraft
Object buttons will populate the
Planetarium coordinates if Shift key is pressed
- Added Gear
Objects button populate the
Planetarium coordinates for GoTo if Shift key is pressed
- Added Tools
Shift+Recalc button will send to
Planetarium the FOV size based on Camera/Focal Len/telescope/Rotator
- Added in PointCraft settings “
No Auto Sync” – GoTo++ will not make sync. Helps with EQMod
- Added in PointCraft settings “
Default Exposure” – if not empty GoTo++ and Auto will use that exposure instead of Camera Tab value
- Added in PointCraft settings “
Use only 'L' EOS Quality” – when checked GoTo++ and Auto will ignore the quality set in Camera Tab
- Added in PointCraft settings “
Relative GoTo++” – better calculation for GoTo++ moves
- Added support for S1 and S2 quality values
- Added Shift+Click on
Focus Mark shows the temperature of the set mark
- Added Visible Only in Object Browser –
Deep Sky tab
- Added Visible Only in Object Browser –
Custom tab
- Added Object Browser – Custom tab new field Camera Angle. PointCraft populates this field when is storing solved image
- Added Object Browser – Custom tab button Show to display the object in
- Added Object Browser – Custom tab button Catch to get the coordinates from
Planetarium when object is added or edited
- Added FITS keywords FOCALLEN and JD (Julian Day)
- Added TAMBINET keyword in FITS (stores the ambient temperature taken by
external sensor)
- Added Command #GoTo
- Added Command #GoToOffset
- Added Command #Shutdown
- Added Command #Park
- Added Command #UnPark
- Added Command #SetObjName
- Added Command #CCDGain
- Added Command #CCDWarm
- Added Command #Tracking
- Added Shift+Click on OK in Object Browser puts in clipboard #GoTo command with the RA/Dec of select object
- Added in Gear tab button JNow to convert all coordinates from J2000 to JNow before sending to mount
- Added Plan lines with command or script are marked with “`” in
Camera Tab and in
Plan Editor
- Added in
Img Browser buttons "
Up" (goes back in the tree) and "
Current" (opens folder selection, sorry no skin yet)
- Removed "Back" and "Current" thumbnails in
Img Browser
- Fixed in
ROI – not allowing to drag image in 1:1 mode
- Fixed is CR2 display when auto-rotation is enabled in the camera menu
- Fixed crash when EOS camera is busy on connection time
- Fixed Object Browser –
Custom tab accepts dot (.) in Name/Note fields
- Fixed 'NCC' status message in the APT TCP/IP API
- Fixed 750D/760D pixel size in the internal database. Now PointCraft works fine with these models
2015/12/10 - v.3.00 Major update
- Added: Blind plate solving in PointCraft (PointCraft->Settings to download ASPS, indexes need time to download)
- Added: PointCraft Auto button can work with both Blind and Near solving
- Added: Light Grey skin
- Added: Combined version for all Digic generations (Shift+Connect to select the Digic type)
- Added: Added support for 5DS, 5DS R, 760D (T6s ,8000D), 750D (T6i, X8i)
- Added: Canon library 3.2.1
- Added: Much faster RAW files (.CR2) reading
- Added: Stars Browser can limit list to visible only (FULL version only)
- Added: AboveHorizon setting (Settings->Main) and check on GoTo/Goto++ (FULL version only)
- Added: New tab in Settings dialog – CCD
- Added: Settings->CCD Auto Connect
- Added: Setting to Disable minimum exposure duration check (workaround for flats/bias problem with some CCDs)
- Added: New setting Wheel tab for Moravian wheels and special support
- Added: New interface for EOS Histogram
- Added: EOS Histogram Stretching - Double click(+shift) sets the white (black) point
- Added: EOS Histogram Stretching per channel (RGB button)
- Added: EOS Histogram Auto-Stretching (AutoStr button)
- Added: EOS Histogram Logarithmic View (Log button)
- Added: EOS Histogram for LiveView
- Added: New interface for CCD Histogram (double click(+shift) sets the white (black) point)
- Added: CCD Histogram Auto-Stretching
- Added: CCD Histogram Logarithmic View
- Added: Filters list on Gear tab for faster change
- Added: Humidity, DewPoint support for AstroHub and SirJolo arduino based focusers
- Added: Custom object browser is reloaded automatically if the file is changed outside of APT
- Added: New types in Custom objects - Variable Star, Asteroid, Comet, Planet
- Added: Lin_Guider integration (Gear->Guide or F7)
- Added: Ctrl+Double click - reset the current graph
- Added: RA/Dec coordinates storage in FITS for images taken with SBIG cameras
- Added: Multiple MGens (connection to the next available MGen device)
- Added: AutofocusAid remember the selected method (FWHM or HFD)
- Added: "Center ROI" button that locks the ROI to the image center allowing alignment
- Changed: Shift+Guide = Guide (removed the switching to PHD)
- Fixed: PointCraft Auto button doesn't show Status 'Imaging'
- Fixed: Fixed %TotalCount% script parameter for CCDs
- Fixed: Fixed %Pixel% script parameter for CCDs
- Fixed: Fix bug in Telescope ASCOM usage that caused problems with some drivers
- Fixed: Clear Object name from illegal chars.
- Fixed: Various fixes here and there
2015/07/30 - v.2.91 Small update
- Added: Auto button in PointCraft that makes Shoot->Get Scope Pos->Solve->Sync
- Added: ROI can be selected with left mouse click
- Added: ROI size 1/16 from the sensor size
- Added: New PointCraft setting - Use EOS Crop factor (disabled by default)
- Changed: CCD Shoot button will not make Dithering to prevent problems in PointCraft
- Fixed: Bug in Custom objects when line is imported from AsimoPlan
- Fixed: GoTo++ Stop doesn't allow to stop exposure
- Fixed: GoTo++ Stop keeps asking to Sync
- Fixed: GoTo++ disables the plan start button
- Fixed: PointCraft can give false error on slow PC
- Fixed: "Stop" buttons icon in Gear tab
- Fixed: Bug when objects scale is enabled and PointCraft is started
- Fixed: Rare Magnifier crashing
- Fixed: MetaGuide dithering problem
2015/05/21 - v.2.90 New features and bug fixes
- Added: Integration of PlateSolve2 (2.28 or later) made by PlaneWave Instruments
- Added: PointCraft for image plate solving (in Gear Tab)
- Added: Aim mode in PointCraft to allow object framing by clicking in solved image
- Added: GoTo++ mode in PointCraft to allow GoTo with plate solving confirmation
- Added: Possibility to store PointCraft result in Object Browser (full version only)
- Added: Smart RA/Dec controls to allow input in any format
- Added: 27 keyboard shortcuts (point "?" button to see the list in tooltip balloon)
- Added: FITS Header viewer (in Img Tab)
- Added: Higher CCD Compatibility setting
- Added: Log file can't become bigger than 5MB
- Added: Minor improvements here and there
- Moved: ASCOM telescope control is available in the demo version
- Moved: DARV is available in the demo version
- Moved: Meridian Flip Clock is available in the demo version
- Moved: APT dithering without guiding program is available in the demo version
- Moved: Advanced telescope GoTo - Alt/Az available in the demo version
- Moved: Advanced telescope GoTo - Alt/Az offset for AstroTotrilla polar alignment available in the demo version
- Moved: Advanced telescope GoTo - RA/Dec offset available in the demo version
- Fixed: On some PCs Focus Aid crashes
- Fixed: Deep Sky Darkness (DSD) calculator can't be closed in some situations
- Fixed: DARV crash when aid is closed without use
- Fixed: Warning messages in Log panel when SBIG camera is used
- Fixed: AutoFocusing is not stopping when max attempts count is reached
- Fixed: Various fixes here and there
- Updated: User's Guide document (the new things are in green)
2015/03/20 - v.2.82 Bug fixes
- Added: Support for focus offsets with relative focusers
- Fixed: On some PCs Focus Aid crashes
- Fixed: Crash when empty Vertical plan is saved
- Fixed: Brackets in DSLR file names when EXIF is not used
- Fixed: EXIF temperature reading for 1200D
2015/03/04 - v.2.81 Bug fix
- Fixed: Bug in AstroTortilla integration
2015/02/26 - v.2.80 New features and bug fixes
- Added: Unihedron Sky Quality Meter devices integration
- Added: Vertical plan execution
- Added: CCD Flats Aid
- Added: Reworked images naming (combination of 13 options)
- Added: Reworked images storing folders (combination of 8 options)
- Added: Manual entry of Sky Quality estimation
- Added: The newest Canon library (2.15)
- Added: Support for EOS 7D Mk II
- Added: Added support for the latest TemperHum model
- Added: Graph Panel re-opening on APT start
- Added: Guide star distance Graph
- Added: Sky Quality Graph
- Added: Sky Quality NELM (V) to/from MPSAS (B) convertor
- Added: Double click switches between "Preview On" and "Preview On 1:1"
- Added: Added %Lat%, %Long%, %SQM% parameters
- Added: SBIG & QSI now ignore "ASCOM wheel auto connect" option
- Added: Possibility to select the SBIG camera USB port
- Added: Background FITS saving
- Added: Sky Quality value saving in FITS header
- Added: Added EOS 750D/760D and EOS 5Ds/5Ds R in the object calculator
- Fixed: Bug in Meridian Flip Clock
- Fixed: Bug in Cross moving in CCD mode
- Fixed: Object Name was not kept during sessions
- Fixed: QHY LiveView is crashing with AstroTortilla
- Fixed: Bug on EOS Camera Disconnect
- Fixed: Bug in storing southern hemisphere site coordinates in FITS
- Fixed: Fixed "Shift+Drag" scrolling in resized mode
- Fixed: Other UI bugs
- Fixed: Various fixes here and there
- Updated: User's Guide document (the new things are in green)
2014/12/04 - v.2.70 New features and bug fixes
- Added: Dithering in multi-camera setup (See Section XXVII)
- Added: Dark Flats plans type
- Added: ASCOM Rotators support
- Added: Small cross to mark CMOS center in 5x and 10x Zoom
- Added: Shift+Double Click to center zoom window
- Added: Settings Backup/Restore
- Added: Enable/Disable telescope tracking (full version only)
- Added: Advanced telescope GoTo - Alt/Az (full version only)
- Added: Advanced telescope GoTo - Alt/Az offset for AstroTotrilla polar alignment (full version only)
- Added: Advanced telescope GoTo - RA/Dec offset (full version only)
- Added: Better multi cameras connection control. Now CCD can be primary, EOS secondary
- Added: Minimize button in window mode
- Added: All buttons that have Shift+Click action are marked with "+"
- Added: Workaround of ASCOM driver problem causing LiveView to hang with QHY22 and maybe other QHY models
- Fixed: Filter's focus offset not used in plan
- Fixed: SBIG Frame/Focusing plans not showing image
- Fixed: Bug in CCD bias plans
- Fixed: Bug in Meridian Flip Clock
- Fixed: Bug for EOS 5D Mk1 and maybe other models with B dial mode
- Fixed: Fix in the MGen 2.12 support
- Fixed: Other UI bugs
- Fixed: Various fixes here and there
- Updated: User's Guide document (the new things are in green)
2014/09/19 - v.2.60 New features and bug fixes
- Added: Auto Focusing Aid for ASCOM focusers (see the User's Guide)
- Added: Dither on # images option (Guide dialog box)
- Added: PHD connection port definition (Guide dialog box)
- Added: New images folder after midnight option (Settings->Advanced)
- Added: Bind Magnifier to Focus Aid option to allow focusing star magnification
- Added: Support QSI wheel profiles (Gear->Wheel Settings)
- Added: In CCD mode automatic use of the shortest exposure in Bias plans
- Added: In CCD histogram left double click moves the point to the border
- Added: Cooling Aid can make small warming
- Added: The different APT instances now store separate set of configurations
- Added: DARV allows to use x2 East speed
- Added: Support for MGen firmware 2.11+
- Added: Filter name is visible in the Status panel
- Added: Click on Gear->Guide will find the PHD2 window
- Fixed: In CCD histogram Fine/Coarse movements
- Fixed: CCD preview was making unwanted vertical flip
- Fixed: Various fixes here and there
- Updated: User's Guide document (the new things are in green)
2014/06/26 - v.2.54 New features and bug fixes
- Added: HFD focusing method in Focus Aid
- Added: Star profile in Focus Aid
- Added: Graphs for FWHM and HFD in Focus Aid
- Added: Graph in Bahtinov Aid
- Added: Graphs for Temperature, EXIF, Humidity, DewPoint, CCD Temperature/Power (Tools tab)
- Added: Search in Objects Browser
- Added: Custom Objects Browser import detects duplicates by coordinates
- Added: Delete multiple lines in Custom Objects Browser
- Added: Use the current coordinates to create new line in Custom Objects Browser
- Added: The files need to make objects import from AstroPlanner are included in the setup
- Added: Delay dithering start (Settings->Advanced)
- Added: Export APT's log file (Settings->Main)
- Added: Displaying EU, US or Japanese name depending on the connected camera
- Fixed: Not showing the correct power level for SBIG cameras
- Fixed: Bug in the image preview when QHY10 is used
- Fixed: Selecting the image quality when EOS 1Dx is used
- Fixed: Bug when EOS Kiss X6i is connected (650D and Rebel T4i were not affected)
- Fixed: Various fixes here and there
- Updated: User's Guide document (the new things are in green)
2014/04/16 - v.2.50 New features and bug fixes
- Added: SBIG cameras and filter wheels support
- Added: EOS 1200D support
- Added: The newest Canon library (2.14)
- Added: New tab in Settings - Filter Wheel
- Added: Displaying filter names in Plan Editor and in Camera tab when they are described in Settings
- Added: The 'Auto Canceled' images are not counted during plan execution
- Added: Schedule plan execution (Shift+Start)
- Added: Run a plan for defined number of executions (Shift+Start)
- Added: UI changes for compatibility with UltraVNC under XP
- Added: New setting (Advanced tab) to disable FITS auto orientation for CCDs like QHY10 MkII
- Moved: Skins are available in the demo version
- Fixed: Bug in the TemperGold support
- Fixed: Bug in GoTo when declination is negative and less than one degree
- Fixed: Rare crashing when EOS connection is lost
- Fixed: Crashing when EOS connection is lost during LiveView
- Fixed: Bug in Flats plans when are used with EOS having B dial mode
- Fixed: Bug in the Planetary HD video when destination is PC or Cam+PC
- Fixed: Various fixes here and there
- Updated: User's Guide document (the new things are in green)
2014/02/27 - v.2.43 Small update
- Added: Profiles for the parameters of Collimation Aid
- Added: Telescope Park/Unpark button (full version only)
- Added: Dithering distance up to 90 for MGen and APT Dithering
- Added: EOS 1200D in the Object calculator
- Added: Meridian Flip Clock shows "?" when mount is not tracking
- Fixed: DARV was not using the right speeds for certain mounts
- Fixed: DSD Clock bug in certain case
- Fixed: False error message when 0s exposure is used with camera with B and M dial modes
- Fixed: Small bug in Plan Editor when keyboard is used for scrolling
- Fixed: Various fixes here and there
2014/01/09 - v.2.41 Updates and Bug fixes
- Added: No Thumbnails (Settings->Main) for better performance on slow PCs
- Updated: Changed the order of "." and ".." in Image Browser
- Updated: DARV is now not changing the ISO to highest value
- Fixed: Cam+PC on Digic4 camera was duplicating the stored images
- Fixed: Rare PixelAid crashes
- Fixed: Small bug in DARV
- Fixed: Image Browser crash when there is 32bits FITS in the current folder
- Fixed: Rare random Image Browser crashes
- Fixed: Various fixes here and there
2013/12/20 - v.2.40 New features and bug fixes
- Added: Lacerta MGen support for Dithering and Auto Cancel
- Added: New tab - Image Browser with thumbnails
- Added: Pixel Aid with various image statistics - Median, Std Dev and etc.
- Added: Implementation of the original DARV method (no LiveView needed)
- Added: Possibility to build custom objects list in the Object Browser
- Added: Object size in pixels calculation in the Calculator
- Added: Object sizes in pixels calculation in Object Browser
- Added: Shoot button now stores EXIF temperature in the file name
- Confirmed: Works with EOS 70D
- Updated: Preview Effects are moved in separate panel
- Updated: Improved Tools tab
- Updated: Telescope tab is renamed to Gear tab
- Updated: User's Guide document (the new things are in green)
- Fixed: QSI filter names problem
- Fixed: TruTeck wheel connection problem
- Fixed: SGL focuser connection problem
- Fixed: Various fixes here and there
- Removed: The implementation of the modified DARV
- Removed: The manual DARV
2013/10/02 - v.2.33 Small update
- Added: Temper Gold support
- Added: Stop Auto cooling on CCD connection (Settings->Advanced tab)
- Added: Remote Desktop cursor fix (Settings->Advanced tab)
- Added: Check for ROI on plan start
- Changed: Disable ROI and Cooling option in plan execution
- Changed: Removed the filter name form the dark filenames
- Fixed: Incorrect duration display for long CCD exposures
- Fixed: TemperHum V2 readings problem
- Fixed: Bug when DSUSB is used with Digic III and newer cameras
- Fixed: Problem with audio in Object Browser
- Fixed: A bug in Plan editor visible in clean install before first connection to camera
2013/09/17 - v.2.32 Small update
- Added: Latest Canon library
- Added: Support for EOS 70D
- Added: Dithering settle time in APT native dithering
- Verified: All features except Mirror Locking works with EOS 70D
- Fixed: Bug in ImagePreview "Browse" button
- Fixed: Bug in APT native dithering
- Fixed: Bug in switching between Color and Mono FITS preview
- Fixed: Bug when Serial cable is used with Digic III and newer cameras
2013/08/22 - v.2.31 Small update
- Added: Possibility to set CCD temperature in one step by setting Cooling/Warming step to 0
- Changed: When PHD dithering is in progress the PHD Status is updated on every second
- Fixed: Bug in PHD dithering on some computers
- Fixed: Bug in CCD mode when Shoot and Stop combination is used
- Fixed: A bug that generates huge log file in EOS Mode during LiveView.
The old file will be automatically cleared
- Fixed: Bug in EOS plan with filter wheel change and 0s pause
2013/08/16 - v.2.30 New features and bug fixes
-Added: Custom support for QSI cameras (check the User's guide for filter names definition)
-Confirmed: Works with Moravian cameras
-Added: Don't sync EOS clock setting in Advanced Tab
-Added: Import/Export site coordinates from/to ASCOM in Location Tab
-Added: Canon library 2.13 is incorporated
-Added: Correct B or M dial mode check for Shoot button
-Added: Filter wheel usage in EOS mode plans
-Added: Filter name is part of the file names in EOS mode
-Added: Region of Interest in CCD mode
-Added: Meridian Flip Clock (full version only)
-Added: Countdown beeps for the last 3s of a pause in focus plans and delayed execution
-Added: Temperature tab in settings dialog
-Added: Support for USB_Dewpoint sensor
-Added: Cooling/Warming Aid for CCD mode
-Added: Detection of possible thermal shock in CCD mode
-Changed: Faster focuser position feedback
-Moved: ASCOM focuser control is available in the demo version.
-Moved: Sound notifications are available in the demo version.
-Fixed: Problems with EOS 6D
-Fixed: Disappearing Cross
-Fixed: Low LiveView frame rate when Right lens control button is used
-Fixed: TIFF creation crash in EOS mode when long plan is executed
-Fixed: Minor bug in the APT dithering
-Fixed: Minor bug in EOS mode when Auto cancel feature is used
-Fixed: Crash in CCD mode when LiveView is ON and APT is closed
-Fixed: Crash in CCD mode when many images are taken
-Fixed: Bug in Darkness clock when there is no Astro twilight
-Fixed: Minor fixes here and there
-Updated: User's Guide document (the new things are in green)
2013/04/04 - v.2.20 New features and bug fixes
-Added: Smooth image scrolling with Shift and drag
-Added: Debayering in CCD (on camera connection and in settings dialog)
-Added: RGGB GRGB... options for Debayaring
-Added: Centering cross in Bahtinov grabber
-Added: Collimation Aid
-Added: Starts Catalog - 78 (in Object Browser)
-Added: Alignment stars maps (in Object Browser)
-Added: Smart sorting of the grids in Object Browser depending of the column type
-Added: ASCOM mount Sync by star (full version only)
-Added: Dithering without guide scope - APT Dithering (full version only)
-Added: Status for LiveView Exposure in CCD mode
-Added: LV Automation for CCD - auto selects the max binning
-Added: LiveView frames-per-second (FPS) in EOS mode
-Added: CCD Histogram is upgraded with controls for moving Black/White on steps
-Added: Possibility to store up to 5 locations in the Settings dialog
-Added: Check box "Don't save Object Name", Settings->Advanced
-Added: LX200 compatible mounts support, Settings->Advanced
-Added: Object Calculator for CCD mode
-Added: Single_ prefix for Shoot button images
-Added: Focus plan type - stores only one temporary image on the HDD and no images on the camera
-Changed: Faster cross rotation/moving
-Changed: Some UI and work-flow improvements
-Changed: Bahtinov Aid optimizations
-Fixed: A bug with EOS 40D Bulb exposures
-Fixed: 6D EXIF temperature readings
-Fixed: Bug in Plan cloning
-Fixed: No filter change when Pause = 0s
-Fixed: Shoot button file names and storing inconsistency
-Fixed: Minor fixes here and there
-Updated: User's Guide document (the new things are in green)
2013/02/12 - v.2.10 New features and bug fixes
-Added: Bahtinov Aid - works with LiveView and Images in both EOS and CCD mode
-Added: Canon's library 2.12 integration - 6D and 1D-C are supported now
-Added: Framing masks are upgraded to work with LiveView (full version only)
-Added: ASCOM focusers with temperature sensor now acts as Temper sensor and can me used, to monitor the ambient temperature and etc.
-Fixed: A bug in turning CCD cooler to OFF
-Fixed: A bug for QHY9
-Fixed: A bug when AstroTortilla calls APT in CCD mode
-Fixed: A bug in the scroll when APT is in window mode (not maximized)
-Fixed: A bug in CCD mode, that doesn't allow to make Bias frames
-Fixed: Some minor CCD fixes
-Fixed: Some minor tweaks here and there
2012/11/23 - v.2.01 Small update
-Added: Saving .CR2 raw files in TIFF format
-Added: Setting the maximum ISO for Astro Tortilla
-Added: Integration of Astro Tortilla in CCD mode
-Fixed: Installer to use the right VS 2005 redistributable package
-Fixed: FITS format saving - the files are hard to process
-Fixed: Starlight Express filter wheel works fine
-Fixed: Small interface fixes
2012/11/15 - v.2.00 The biggest update so far
-Added: Support for ASCOM compatible CCD cameras
-Added: CCD mode of the plan editor
-Added: CCD mode of the Histogram
-Added: Darkness Clock
-Added: Deep Sky Darkness Calculator
-Added: Support for Meade focusers
-Added: "Don't dither" option per plan
-Added: New Script parameters
-Added: Usage of the latest Canon library 2.11
-Added: Support for 650D, 1Dx, 5D MkIII, 60Da
-Added: Configurable auto connection to telescope
-Added: Configurable auto connection to focuser
-Added: Configurable auto connection to filter wheel
-Added: Tabs in the settings dialog
-Added: Support for Biula Audio Trigger
-Moved: ASCOM filter wheel control is available in the demo version
-Fixed: EOS 1100D mirror locking
-Fixed: Problem with RAW only images and exposures under 1s
-Fixed: Incorrect remaining time calculation is specific situation
-Fixed: Loosing connection to PHD when PHD is restarted
-Fixed: Many small enhancements and fixes.
-Updated: User's Guide document (the new things are in green)
2012/3/06 - v.1.93 Bug fixes
-Fixed: Exif temperature is fixed back to store the right reading in the filename
-Fixed: LiveView was slow in B dial mode on 60D
-Fixed: "_" will not be put in the folder name when is grouping by Object name
-Change: Minor improvements in Video planetary mode
2012/3/02 - v.1.92 Small update
-Added: Mirror lockup status reporting for all models
-Added: Check if Mirror lockup is in the right status depending on the model, Anti-Vibration pause and Automation setting
-Added: Check if for the right dial mode when recording HD video
-Moved: Object Browser is available in the demo version
-Added: Possibility to play MP3 file for object in the Object Browser (requires an audio extension)
-Added: Full and short audio extensions as separate downloads in the site
-Added: Framing mask flip (180 degrees rotation) for use after Meridian flip (full version only)
-Change: Improved "Frames per second" ratio in LiveView Planetary mode, more than twice. The preview refresh rate is slower
-Fixed: Bug when plan is executed with Camera only destination and after that again with Camera+PC destination
-Fixed: Few more small odd things
-Updated: Some of the interesting facts in Objects browser are extended by Jeff Seivert. Thank you!
2012/2/15 - v.1.90 New features and bug fixes
-Added: TemperHum v2 support
-Added: Close button for all panels
-Added: Shutter counter displaying on camera connection (Digic 3 and later)
-Added: Automatic enable/disable of the Mirror Lockup camera function depending on the selected Anti-Vibration pause (Digic 3 and later)
-Added: Possibility to disable dithering for particular plan (like focusing plan)
-Added: Minimize/restore the sections in Telescope Tab
-Change: Record LiveView button is upgraded to Planetary Panel
-Added: Possibility to define the number of frames to be captured in LiveView Planetary mode
-Added: Possibility to record HD Video (Digic 4 only, full version only)
-Added: ASCOM Filter Wheels support (full version only)
-Added: Filter Wheel can apply focus offsets to ASCOM focuser (full version only)
-Added: Other small User Interface enhancements
-Moved: Settings dialog is available in the demo version
-Moved: Images folder selection is available in the demo version
-Moved: Possibility to group the images, by Plan Type, Object Name or both is available in the demo version
-Moved: Automatic image name prefix and suffix - ISO, Exposure, Date, Time, EXIF or TemperHUM temperature is available in the demo version
-Moved: Delayed plan start is available in the demo version
-Moved: Selection between Celsius and Fahrenheit is available in the demo version
-Moved: Temper(HUM) calibration - entering calibrating constants is available in the demo version
-Moved: Changing the number of the images used for LV Stack is available in the demo version
-Moved: Tooltips ON/OFF is available in the demo version
-Moved: LiveView automation ON/OFF is available in the demo version
-Moved: Bigger User Interface fonts for notebooks with big screen resolution and small display is available in the demo version
-Moved: Support for M dial mode for Flat/Bias plans is available in the demo version
-Moved: Possibility to change the limits for the notifications for low PC/Camera battery, low Camera space is available in the demo version
-Moved: Possibility to change the path in Images browser is available in the demo version
-Moved: Keeping settings between APT restarts is available in the demo version
-Moved: Support for M dial mode for Flat/Bias plans is available in the demo version
-Fixed: Bug in the remaining time counter when APT is minimized
-Fixed: Bug in the remaining time counter when APT is paused
-Fixed: Bug when Script and 0s pause are used.
-Fixed: Bug that causes tabs randomly to become invisible when APT is in background
-Updated: User's Guide document (the new things are in green)
-Updated: Some of the interesting facts in Objects browser are extended by Jeff Seivert. Thank you!
2012/1/3 - v.1.83 Bug fixes
-Fixed: Bug when serial cables is used
-Fixed: Bug in plan editor - script features
2011/12/29 - v.1.82 New features and bug fixes
-Fixed: Strange plan execution behavior
-Fixed: UI tuned for netbooks
2011/12/23 - v.1.80 New features and bug fixes
-Added: Showing the remaining plan duration
-Added: Showing the expected plan ending time
-Added: Rotate image effect
-Added: Magnifier, allows x3, x5, x10 and x15 times zoom
-Added: AstroTortilla integration (AT team is still working on their side)
-Added: Scripts execution after exposure end
-Added: Small User Interface enhancements
-Added: Usability enhancements
-Added: Showing Alt/Az coordinates (full version only)
-Added: Support for M dial mode for Flat/Bias plans (full version only)
-Added: Possibility to change the limits for Low Cam/PC battery and Cam Space notifications (full version only)
-Added: Start APT in window mode (full version only)
-Added: AutoStar Sync function - Ctrl+Enter (full version only)
-Fixed: Bug that makes APT to crash sometimes when using Focus Aid and Zoom
-Fixed: Bug that degrades the LiveView image quality in some rare situations
-Fixed: Bug in scrolling image in left direction
-Fixed: No low space notification when there is no memory card
-Fixed: Bug that requires to click once before Zooming LiveView
-Fixed: 1:1 Scroll mode initially will show the image center
-Updated: User's Guide document (the new things are in green)
2011/10/27 - v.1.70 New features and bug fixes
-Added: Lens aperture control
-Added: Ascom focusers control (full version only)
-Added: Manual DARV (full version only)
-Added: Sortable Object browser (full version only)
-Added: Restore original Exp/ISO/Plan after plan completion
-Added: Multiple focal lengths for the calculator
-Added: Notifications for low PC/Cam battery, low Cam space
-Added: PHD remote connection by IP
-Added: Improvements in FocusAid - "Reset Best FWHM" button and changeable FWHM stack count when LiveView is used to make the readings more accurate
-Added: Gamma control effect for Images and LiveView
-Added: Brightness control effect for Images and LiveView
-Added: Small LV++ and LV Stack enhancements
-Added: Small User Interface enhancements
-Added: Usability enhancements
-Fixed: Instability issues when connection to the camera is lost
-Fixed: Instability issues with LiveView in combination with multiple connection/disconnection actions
-Fixed: small User Interface problems
-Updated: User's Guide document (the new things are in green)
2011/8/26 - v.1.60 New features and bug fixes
-Added: New User Interface. APT has a new look. All features are grouped in three tabs Camera, Telescope and Tools. Also there is different look for 4:3 and wide screens that gives optimal size of the preview.
-Added: Restore window mode and window resizing
-Added: Keeping restored window position and size between APT restarts
-Added: Multi-monitors support. APT can moved through the monitors while is in restored mode.
-Added: Possibility to select bigger User Interface fonts for notebooks with big screen resolution and small display (full version only).
-Added: Dropdown lists have scroll-bars that can be used with mouse.
-Added: Shoot button can be used for Bulb exposures. In this mode the anti-vibration pause and long exposure control settings are in use.
-Added: Reminder to put on/off the telescope cap when you switch between Dark/Bias and Light/Flat plans.
-Added: Reminder to stop EOS Utility
-Added: Reminder that Virtual long exposure control and Digic 3 camera combination will lead to amp glow.
-Added: Image browser (in demo version you can't change the folder). You can preview images and use them to build Framing Mask. When you shoot in RAW+L the browser
will show only the JPG file because it is faster. If there is no JPG then RAWfile will be displayed.
-Added: The images folder will not be changed after midnight.
-Added: Possibility to group the images, by Plan Type, Object Name or both (full version only).
-Added: Temporary images storage to cooperate better with Deep Sky Stack - Live
-Added: The default images folder now is C:\APT_Images\Camera_1. (in the demo version it can't be changed).
-Added: AutoStar section now has Up and Down buttons (full version only).
-Added: Camera status in main window now shows Current/Remaining count during plan execution.
-Added: Exposures table will highlight the currently executing plan line and show progress
-Added: Camera auto-connection on startup. If the camera is on it will be connected automatically.
-Fixed: the @@@ bug in file naming.
-Fixed: LiveView automation now uses 30s as exposure time.
-Fixed: Other small enhancements and fixes.
-Updated: User's Guide document (the new things are in green)
2011/5/27 - v.1.53 New features and bug fixes
-Added: RAW only images preview
-Added: Scrollable log panel with all messages since last APT restart
-Added: When a plan is looped (Shift+Start) round number is printed in the log panel
-Added: Support for exposures with duration 0s in order to define complex plans with pauses between the lines
-Added: Sharp Image/LiveView effect in the demo version
-Added: Negative Image/LiveView effect in the demo version
-Added: R, G, B, L histograms in the demo version
-Added: Support for Meade LX200 Classic - slew speed has to be changed from the handset (in full version only)
-Added: Support for Meade Autostar II (in full version only)
-Added: Setting for the number of frames used in LV Stack (in full version only, demo uses fixed value 20)
-Added: Setting to enable/disable LiveView Automation for maximum sensitivity (in full version only, demo uses fixed value ON)
-Added: Settings dialog box is optimized for netbook screen resolutions
-Fixed: DARV - the red circle is displayed on the right place (in full version only)
-Updated: User's Guide document (the new things are in green)
2011/4/7 - v.1.51 New features and bug fixes
-Added: Better DARV. The optimal position is displayed as red circle (in full version only)
-Added: Usage of the latest Canon library 2.10.0
-Added: ISO and exposure are restored the previous values after LiveView session
-Verified: 600D works with APT 1.51
2011/3/29 - v.1.50 New features and bug fixes
-Added: DARV - Drift Alignment by Robert Vice method using LiveView (in full version only)
-Added: Auto detection of the dial mode and advise for the needed mode
-Added: New plan type - Bias plan. Automatically selects the fastest shutter speed supported by the camera
-Added: AV dial mode support for Flat plans - the exposure duration will be determined by the camera
-Added: "L_", "D_", "F_" and "B_" (for Light, Dark, Flat and Bias plans) are added in the beginning of the file names for easier post-processing
-Added: Image Path selection dialog (full version only)
-Added: Autostar extension of Telescope Panel with all hand-box keys - available for Meade mounts. (full version only)
-Added: 600D and 1100D support (may require an non released yet update of the Canon library)
-Change: Telescope connection will not be closed when the panel is closed (full version only)
-Updated: User's Guide document (the new things are in green)
-Fixed: A problem with 60D LiveView
-Fixed: Fix of the problem when ASCOM and EQMode are used. Now tracking will not stop after a move (full version only)
-Fixed: Some UI issues under Win7
2011/2/17 - v.1.40 New features and bug fixes
-Added: PHD Auto-Dithering of the light frames
-Added: PHD Auto-Canceling on predefined guiding error
-Added: PHD PHD monitoring of the distance to the guide star in the main window
-Added: MetaGuide Auto-Dithering of the light frames
-Added: One click switching to the guiding program
-Added: Automatic Lens focusing - use the Lens Panel (in full version only)
-Added: ASCOM telescopes control (in full version only)
-Added: Upgraded Object Browser with coordinates and integration with ASCOM control (in full version only)
-Added: Upgraded Object Browser with Herschel 400 and most of Caldwell and Hidden Treasures catalogs (in full version only)
-Added: Auto population of the main prefix with the number of the selected object from the browser (in full version only)
-Added: 60D support
-Added: Usage of the latest Canon library 2.9.0
-Added: SRAW1 and SRAW2 quality options support
-Added: Showing the best FWHM value so far for the current object
-Added: Better font for FWHM values
-Added: Saving the used Long Exp. option between sessions (in full version only)
-Added: Labels "iso" and "sec" are put in the file names for easier reading
-Added: Auto selection of the highest ISO and 2.5" exposure for most sensitive LiveView
-Added: OK button saves the last change in the Edit dialog
-Added: Double click on the Exposures table opens the Edit dialog
-Added: Better handling when connecting to the camera
-Added: Removing of IMG_ and MG_ from file names
-Updated: User's Guide document (the new things are in green)
-Fixed: A bug with when unsupported quality is set on the camera, leads to crash
-Fixed: Exif option change in the Settings dialog needed APT restart to take effect
-Fixed: TemperHUM calibration values need APT restart to take effect
-Fixed: Preview didn't keep scroll position between images
-Fixed: Other small things
2011/1/4 - v.1.32 Bug Fix
-Fixed: Bug when Digic3 camera is used with serial cable.
2010/12/23 - v.1.30 New features and bug fixes
-Added: FWHM (Full Width Half Maximum) focusing - use the Focusing Aid panel.
-Added: Framing Mask (FULL version only) - a multi session aid to help
orienting the camera by same angle and position during multiple nights.
-Added: Tooltips help - Shows description per every feature
-Added: Tooltips ON/OFF (FULL version only)
-Added: PC only destination for Digic 4 cameras (still needs card).
-Added: Pause / Resume function when plan execution is in progress.
-Added: Shift+Start to loop a plan
-Added: 0s pause between exposures
-Added: Auto synchronization of the camera's clock on connection
-Added: Longer connection timeout
-Added: Splash screen to show loading progress
-Added: Night Mode for the User guide
-Added: Some optimizations in the User's Interface
-Added: Some performance optimizations
-Added: Temper(HUM) calibration (FULL version only) - now you can enter calibrating constants.
-Updated: Better LV++ - less noise and more sensitive
-Updated: Better LVStack - less noise and more sensitive.
-Updated: User's Guide document (the new things are in green)
-Fixed: Fixed is the bulb accuracy problem
-Fixed: Fixed is the random problem with _@@@ in the file names
2010/11/3 - v.1.20 New features and bug fixes
-Added: Exif Temperature readings - Show it after exposure is taken
-Added: Exif Temperature readings - use as part of the file name (in FULL version only)
-Added: LV++ - LiveView image intensification in real time
-Added: LV Stack - Stacks the LiveView images in real time
-Added: Focus Score - evaluates if the focus is near to the perfect one
-Added: Histogram - R, G, B and L Histogram of taken image (in FULL version only)
-Added: Use of 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.3, 1.6, 2.5, and 3.2 exposures in a plan
-Added: White balance control
-Added: In minimized mode Ctrl+S is equal to click on Shoot button
-Added: The camera state monitor will show the seconds counter when Shoot button is used
-Added: Help button to show the User's guide
-Added: "Quick Start" section in the User's guide
-Added: Keeps the Image prefix between APT restarts (in FULL version only)
-Added: Some optimizations in the User's Interface
-Updated: The button “F” which places a focus temperature mark is with replaced icon – thermometer.
-Updated: User's Guide document (the new things are in green)
-Fixed: Fixed is a bug when the cross is used during the LiveView.
2010/9/30 - v.1.10 New features and bug fixes
-Added: Support for Temper and TemperHUM sensors
-Added: Dew point closing and passing notifications (in FULL version only)
-Added: Need to refocus notification (in FULL version only)
-Added: selection between Celsius and Fahrenheit (in FULL version only)
-Added: Automatic image suffixes can include the current temperature (in FULL version only)
-Added: RAW only mode - no image preview yet
-Added: Stop exposure in plan greater than 1s with the Stop button
-Added: "PC only" mode save the images with base names 0001, 0002...
-Added: Image preview in minimized mode to cooperate with guiding software
-Added: Default focal length (in FULL version only)
-Added: Corrected image (right orientation) in Preview and LiveView by flipping the image horizontally and vertically
-Added: Sharpening and Negative effects in Preview and LiveView (in FULL version only)
-Updated: User's Guide document (the new things are in green)
-Removed: Automatic mirror lock custom function enabling/disabling is removed for all cameras except 1000D
-Removed: Custom image quality option.
-Fixed: Other small bugs.
2010/8/17 - v.1.0.9 New features and bug fixes
-Added: Rotatable/Movable cross
-Added: Scrolling in Preview mode 1:1
-Added: Plan cloning in the Plan Editor
-Added: Lens control (Digic III and latter)
-Added: Automatic mirror lock enable/disable (Digic III and latter)
-Updated: User's Guide document (the new things are in green)
-Fixed: Plan name can’t contains < or >.
2010/5/27 - v.1.0.8 New features and bug fixes
-Added: Delayed plan start (in FULL version only)
-Added: Messier catalog browser for object size selection (in FULL version only)
-Added: Automatic image name prefix and suffix - now ISO, Exposure, Date and Time can be part of the image name (in FULL version only)
-Added: Image quality selection help focusing without Live View.
-Added: Better integration of Plan Editor
-Added: Support for ISO 2000 and 2500
-Added: "N of M images" info in the floating status window.
-Updated: User's Guide document (the new things are in green)
-Fixed: Bug when EOS 50D is used.
-Fixed: Bug on COM cable with exposures <1s and anti-vibration=0.
-Fixed: Longer text for the Image Prefix.
-Fixed: Image Prefix is used when Shoot button is clicked.
-Fixed: Other small bugs.
2010/4/23 - v.1.0.7 New features and bug fixes
-Added: Grey skin (Full version only)
-Added: Green skin (Full version only)
-Added: Blue skin (Full version only)
-Added: Sound notification (Full version only)
-Added: Images folder selection (Full version only)
-Added: TAB key support in Plan editor and object size controls
-Added: Pierro-Astro serial cable support
-Added: Hap Griffin serial cable support
-Added: More support options
-Updated: User's Guide document (the new things are in green)
-Fixed: Bug when EOS 550D is used
-Fixed: Bug in plan execution with Preview=OFF when Digic II camera is used.
-Fixed: Various interface bugs under Windows XP and Windows 7 (interface is reworked)
-Fixed: Other small bugs
2010/3/12 - v.1.0.6 New features and bug fixes
-Added: Shoestring Astronomy DSUSB/DSUSB2 support
-Added: Floating status window when APT is minimized
-Added: Better compatibility with MS Windows 7 (Aero still not tested)
-Added: Support for EOS 550D
-Updated: User's Guide document (the new things are in green)
-Fixed: Preventing some EOS models to go in sleep mode
-Fixed: Bug after deleting the last row in Plan editor
-Fixed: Spelling errors in the UI
-Fixed: Error in plan execution with Preview=OFF. Some models didn't execute all exposures.
-Fixed: Other small bugs
2010/2/19 - v.1.0.5 New features and bug fixes
-Added: FOV calculator
-Added: Alignment aid (cross hair)
-Added: Object size preview and framing aid
-Added: Special support for Digic IV cameras (True "Mirror Locking" only with USB cable)
-Added: right mouse click minimize the application
-Updated: User's Guide (the new things are in green)
-Fixed: In some cases only half exposures in a plan are taken
-Fixed: Other small bugs
2010/2/5 - v.1.0.4 New features and bug fixes
-Added: Name prefix for PC stored images.
-Added: Live View recording in sequence of JPGs
-Added: Camera Self timer in USB only mode. Need to be tested on other cameras. It worked for me in the beginning but now doesn't. Still looking what is the problem
-Updated: User's Guide (the new things are in green)
-Fixed: Now supports 350D and hope that all problems with the cameras before 30D are cleared too.
-Fixed: Other small bugs
2010/1/28 - v.1.0.3 New features and bug fixes
-Added: Image destination selection
-Added: Multi-camera support
-Added: wide screens support
-Added: ALT+Tab, ALT+Esc, Ctrl+Esc support
-Updated: User's Guide (the new things are in green)
-Fixed: Image preview bugs
-Fixed: Repainting bug after LV session
-Fixed: Other small bugs
2010/1/22 - v.1.0.2 Bugs fixes
-Fixed: Antivibration=0 + PC cable not working
-Fixed: LV On then LV Off then shoot, no preview
-Verified: works with 50D
-Verified: works with 400D + PC Cable
2010/1/20 - v.1.0.1 the first publically available version of APT
2009/5/11 – v.1.0.0 the first version of APT