
Object Browser

The Object Browser is accessible from Tools tab,
with Alt+O shortcut and from PointCraft.
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The Object Browser is very powerful tool to find the best targets for imaging before and after the start of the night, as well to review various information about objects. It is also deeply integrated with PointCraft, Object Calculator, Command Editor, Planetarium and planning applications 
It is separated in several tabs:
You can easily search for information in the tabs Deep Sky, Stars and Custom. Just enter the word you are looking for in the top right corner and click on “Search/Next” to find the next line below the current one that contains the searched word. If the cursor is still in the input box then pressing Enter key is same as clicking on “Search/Next”.
There is common behavior for Deep Sky, Custom and ToDo tabs. When an object is selected the following information will be displayed:
Curr Az -  current azimuth of the object
Curr Alt -  current altitude of the object
Rise/Set -  the times when the object is rising and setting
Transit Time -  the time when the object will pass thought the meridian
Tranzit Alt -  the altitude above horizon at which the object is passing thought the meridian
AirML Up/Down -  the times when the object goes above and under the defined Air Mass Limit
Max Imaging Time (MIT) - the total time for the current / coming night when the object will be above the defined Air Mass Limit
Imaging Time Left (ITL) - the time in the current night left when the object will be above the defined Air Mass Limit
When the Visibility filter is enabled the objects in the list will be limited to match to the selected criteria. There are the flowing options:
Visible Tonight - shows all objects what will go above the horizon during the current / coming night
Imageable Tonight - shows all objects what will go above the defined Air Mass Limit  during the current / coming night
Current Alt X+ - shows all objects which altitude in the moment is higher than the selected value
The option "Type filter" allows limiting the list by the object type like showing only globular clusters.
The objects list column Size (px) contains the calculated size in pixels for your camera/telescope setup. It will be populated when camera and focal length are defined in the Object Calculator.
The objects list columns: C.Alt (Current Altitude), AML Up (the time when the object goes above the defined Air Mass Limit), Tr.T (Transit Time), MIT (Max Imaging Time), ITL (Imaging Time Left) are populated only when Visibility filter is enabled in order to optimize the calculations speed.
Note: All calculations related to object position on the sky and the night events require to enter your observing site coordinates in Location settings tab!
Double click with left mouse button on an object or selecting a row and click on OK button has different behavior in the following  cases:
See the tabs description for more information about the corresponding features.