

The APT Settings dialog box is accessible from Tools tab or with Alt+S shortcut.
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The Location settings tab contains the options related to your site coordinates and possibilities to synchronize them. It is important to define the coordinates because they are used by Darkness Clock, Deep Sky Darkness Calculator, the filter of visible objects in Objects Browser and checking if object is above horizon on GoTo.


1. Hemisphere
The hemisphere you are in.


2. DTS
Is daylight time saving currently in effect. If "Auto" is selected APT will manage the "DST" setting using the Windows settings


3. Location
List with the stored locations. Supported are up to 20 locations. Select the site you want to use/edit.

Site Name

4. Site Name
The site name.


5. Latitude
The site Latitude. Accepted is any format. The GPS format of the entered value is displayed in italics. 


6. Longitude
The site Longitude. Accepted is any format. The GPS format of the entered value is displayed in italics.


7. Elevation
The site elevation in meters.

Time Zone

8. Time Zone
The site time zone.

Twilight offset

9. Twilight offset
Defines an offset from the calculated Astro Twilight. This allow to define that astro night starts X minutes earlier and ends X minutes later. By this way the automated imaging cans start earlier and end later. This offset is used by the #ConditionalStop script command, by SessionCraft and by manually scheduled plans via Start options.

Air Mass Limit

10. Air Mass Limit
Defines the Air Mass Limits for calculation of Maximum Imaging Time and Imaging Time Left in Object Browser. The Air Mass value defines how much atmosphere there is between the us and the object. In Zenith the thickness is the smallest possible - one atmosphere (Air Mass 1.0). On horizon the thickness is equal to 35 atmospheres. It is considered that imaging through 2 atmospheres (Air Mass 2.0) or less gives best imaging results. This corresponds to altitude above horizon of 30 degrees or more.
When the desired altitude limit is entered the corresponding air mass value will be displayed.

Use Nautical Twilight

11. Use Nautical Twilight
When enabled the Nautical Twilight will be used instead of Astro Twilight as definition of the astro night. This is useful in the areas with high north/south latitude, with long nautical twilight and possibility to do narrowband imaging. This affects the #ConditionalStop script command, SessionCraft and the manually scheduled plans via Start options.

No Sync

12.  No Sync
The current site coordinates will be used only in APT.


13.  Import
The current site coordinates will be updated with the coordinates provided by the telescope as soon as it is connected.


14.  Export
The current site coordinates will be used to set the coordinates of the telescope as soon as it is connected.
Note: If you want to export location information to EQMOD/EQASCOM you have to enable the option "Allow Site writes". To open the EQMOD settings panel use either:
APT > Gear tab > Shift-Click Connect Scope > ASCOM Telescope Chooser > EQMOD ASCOM HEQ5/6 > Properties
Windows Menu > EQMOD Toolbox > Driver Setup

Export Time

15. Export Time
When enabled will export the current time the PC clock to the ASCOM driver synchronizing telescope time.

Show Location

16. Show Location
When enabled, will show the selected location name in the top left corner of main screen after the current profile name.